People, hear us!

Day 787, 12:10 Published in Czech Republic Venezuela by Svoboda News

Czech Republic is in dangerous situation, CRU is not center-right more, that is obvious, it is now far-right TOTALITARIAN. Why? Violent propaganda, lies, attacking leftists because they are not RIGHT, dictation of one man with crazy look in his eyes...that reminds us on central Europe in 1933...Mr. Pollo has to say something about it...

"It's totally ridiculous what they are saying the right. A poor wretch that I could not win his party wants to win in our own. The Blasphemer: And in the course if you win, you're doing? Going to change what it says extreme left to extreme right? I like how you talk about TO. They want to take all political parties, remove the freedom of expression, that is not wanting to take control of everything? And then you say we who we want to empower all, come on!! They are afraid, afraid because we continue to grow, what is the problem if we would be left? We can not think like socialists? We can not think like communists? It's fascism, you want to take freedom of expression, you want to take the country. You think like us as rightists and leftists, and if we think we are entitled to think differently as we want, we have a say, we are entitled to have our party and our right to have our forum without being spied on.
We showed everyone that you are imperialists and fascists. Pretty soon, people will realize this and everything will change, our country will grow.
Vote for Svoboda! Mr. Pollo"