PEACEniks FOX's #1 New Show

Day 659, 18:49 Published in USA USA by Hari Michaelson


Hari Michaelson

American Audiences Enjoy Show's Desperation, Wacky Hijinks

PEACEniks, the season's latest sitcom on FOX's fall lineup, has become the #1 new show amongst American, Canadian, and select European viewers alike.

The show, which follows the crazy and hilarious shenanigans of Roomates/Country Presidents Imbre Norbert, Yann Grapin, Parter, and until a recent casting change Wizzie_Don as they follow the lead of the tough, but kindhearted, Matthieu Bonne in his attempts to stick it to Old Man Emerick and his allies Jacobi, Himan, and Andrew McWilliams is filled with heartwarming moments and hilarious acts of blatant hypocrisy. Here are a few select moments from the show's funniest episodes...

Ep. 6: Easy Come, Easy Go

Episode Summary: Old-Man Emerick and his gang are up to their old tricks! PEACE is losing regions one by one, but Wizzie_Don has a plan! After all, America can't attack if they're stuck in a state of defense! Wizzie's plan to exploit the flawed war module seems foolproof, but hang onto your hats folks- the twist on this one will leave your jaw dropped!

Ep. 7: In Soviet Russia, Allies help you!

Episode Summary: Things are looking down for our boys in PEACE. Wizzie's gone, America is moving west, and pretty soon Indonesia might get kicked out! But wait! Once again Mattieu Bonne has a plan just crazy enough to work! Give America back their regions! WHAAA??? Tune in to see if things work out, or if this wacky plan only makes things crazier!

Ep. 9: Juan Valdez for Prez:

Episode Summary: Parter isn't happy, and if PEACE doesn't do something he and all of Russia will be stuck in the same basket as Indonesia. All seems hopeless until two newcomers wanna-be Zigman and nervous tag-along miguelguerin offer their services. Would Old Man Emerick be clever enough to suspect a zany move like this? Only time will tell!

When polled, 100% of Americans would "Definitely purchase" the show's first season, citing the show's "strong ending" and the inability of audienes to "tell what those crazy PEACE guys will do next!"

---PEACEniks airs on Thursdays 8/7c---
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