PEACE to fill the vacuum of ATLANTIS?

Day 553, 12:10 Published in Germany United Kingdom by CV James
Written by CV James in Bavaria, Germany.

A number of high profile coups yesterday suggests PEACE forces are hoping to fill the vacuum left by failure of the ATLANTIS alliance. Security forces from the USA, UK and Canada, amongst others rushed to the support of Spain yesterday, which came under threat from a political takeover by Hungary. They still managed to secure 16 out of the 40 seats, and will no doubt cause problems for the administration of President Kanuto, but the substanital threat was avoided.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for South Africa, which, whilst under renewed attack from Indonesia, fell victim to a Brazilian coup d'etat. An impeachment motion has already been initiated against President Gabriel Borien by the Bunalist Empire Party, which now holds an astonishing 69% of the seats in the South African Congress.

Does this signal a new tactic of the PEACE alliance, to infiltrate former ATLANTIS nations and run them as satellite states?

This tactic is hardly one sided, however. Resident Romanian tyrant Victor Petrescu also commanded a coup in Indonesia, with his Matzanesia party, "winning" 50% of the vote there.

Meanwhile, in Germany, numerous multis have infiltrated the German Congress, comandeering the popular Burgerliche Union party. It is suspected the multis are the work of the Swedish invaders, who continue their hypocritical and barbaric attack on peaceful Germany despite denounciations from countries all around the world.


These are troubled times for all of us, and we must not lose our resolve.

Long live justice, Long live Deutschland!

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