Day 536, 11:45 Published in Iran Saudi Arabia by voice

With the exception of Siberia, All Asia is liberated From eRomania, and Finally PEACE and peace reign.

Wait a minute.. there is still a small land in Asia that plots against peace, under various pretexts. This land is called eIsrael. We need to watch it carefully as it can be the spear head for foreign intervention

To consolidate PEACE position in ASIA, we need with the help of our World Wide faithful Allies to arrange our home.

We need to reach out for eAustralia, eChina, eIndia, eMalysia, eThailand, and also eISrael, and talk to them. Give them the incentive and the benefits of joining our alliance, or signing mutual respect and non-aggression pacts. This had to be associated with economical aid and ties to these countries.

Lets hear what they want, their fears and worries, and lets be sensitive to their concerns.

if we all knew political takeover techniques... lets try Heart Take over.. let us win their hearts and friendship

Long Live PEACE