PEACE progress and loss

Day 664, 12:57 Published in Serbia Serbia by Cookies Crisp

Week ago America gained the initiative in the war, and started taking regions back.
They liberated most of the regions, and were back to 46 regions.
The attacks continued and they probably would of completely pushed Russia out of America if it wasn't for Colombia.

Colombia passed throw Mexico.Because Mexico surrendered every region they attacked.
Once they had borders with the US they stopped attacking Mexico and attacked US.

The Americans
USA before Colombia stepped in.

Colombia didn't have a chance of Conquering any American Regions it was only to block them.
They were so concentrated on completely defeating Russia so they surrendered all regions Colombia attacked.So now Colombia has Texas,New Mexico and Oklahoma.
But when they attacked California , Americans just couldn't surrender.
And they were blocked by Colombia while Russia regained the initiative.

US after Columbia attacked.

After that Russia began to conquer regions.
At first Russians couldn't conquer anything, but the next day all battles were going well for Russia.
It looks like the Americans aren't even tiring to defend them.
When the battle starts it goes down to the Underground and only keeps going down.

US after Russia gained the initiative.

Maybe the loss of these regions is because of President Emerick Resignation as The US president.

And once again Hungary and Serbia attacked Croatia.
Serbia attacked Croatia,Slavonia so that their Damage in America is smaller.
Do This attack was just to draw attention away from America Serbia almost Conquered Slavonia.
The Battle For Northwest Croatia ended and and Croats, as well as their allies came to defend Slavoina.
If the Attacks were more organized they might of won those regions.

Croats and their allies put up a Great fight!
And Congratulations to Serbia And Hungary too!

PEACE wins some and losses some, you cant win all the time.

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