Day 283, 01:42 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Chielio

Beste leden en burgers,

Zoals o.a. opgemerkt door MariaJozef zijn er meerdere MPP's ondertekend. Dit komt doordat er een alliantie genaamd PEACE (PEACE GLOBAL COMMUNITY) in ontwikkeling is.

PEACE staat voor bescherming voor de kleinere landen, waaronder eNederland.

PEACE is in het leven geroepen, omdat er bepaalde landen een alliantie vormen genaamd ATLANTIS. Hierin zit een groete agressor die openlijk heeft aangeven op het oorlogspad te zijn.

Hieronder een quote uit een artikel.

Everything began when arose the need to create a new alliance to protect small countries of the game that had no way to defense themselves from giants that were emerging, for giants I mean countries with huge population. The United States president spoke some time ago with us and some other states representatives to create a defensive alliance where small countries could seek us for protection.

But at some point of the time the alliance take another course, the discussions have become secrets even for future members. Brazil began to be informed only about what was happening, our view seems to be not worth anymore. Countries began to be excluded from the Atlantic Treaty, especially after the Spain entry. Until that time we still had hope in that alliance.

When we know that Spain, our future ally, sent terrorists to Mexico with the aim to force the submission of that country to Spain Empire, we didn't agree with that expansionist attitude, but we didn't express ourselves because the spanish population did it for us.

A few weeks after the 'Goons' went to Mexico, as explained in this article:

After that, a new world fell a wave of adverstings, in the most perverse sense of the term. Hundreds of articles in all countries began to speculate what was happening. Disinformation was sent to countries in strategic ways with unclear purposes. A real mess emerged in the new world.

At that point, we began to question ourselves, who will be our allies and who is our real enemy? Since our future allies began to use stalinist strategies to manipulate the opinion of the world population.

Spanish preached apocalypt future in all Brazilian Media that they had access, to justify their holy war against a potential enemy. The worst happened when they succeeded the support of three Mexican Congressmen to start the war. Then Spanish government began to everywhere that this was Mexico's choice. That this would make Mexico liberated from oppression, and the guarantee for it a invalid contract in the contract's section.

As the days passed and the Mexico movements were increasingly strange, came "Atlantis".
In an extremely critical moment, theres a poorly prepared contract which confirmed our greatest fears.

The Atlantic Treaty was completely violated and modified to suit the interests of some countries. Our great defense treaty become an was instrument and disinformation.

The countries which the alliance should defend, were excluded, some were kept in it because that was the only choice. But those countries were kept only to prevent deterioration of the strategic positioning of the alliance, they were excluded from decisions and were only informed about the alliance activity.

Excluding countries that didn't have PANAN strategic advantages, which represented the union and indivisibility of America, was divided and the bad parties were left out of the alliance.

After two months the treaty was not ready, then they write it quickly. Why this happened? Nobody knows for sure. But it would be a way to avoid larges interferences in the war that is occurring in Mexico. But what about the war that Romania with Sweden support planned?

While Spain is trying to subjugate the countries of the west as did MA, the same thing apparently is being developed in the east, where Romania and Sweden also have their plans.

With the imminent colpase of the MOU, which was routed because of the elitist position of Spain within the alliance. Romania planned to attach two countries in Eastern Europe: Bulgaria and Hungary. Since these would be defenceless when MA cease to exist. After months of planning and manipulations within Atlantis they are almost ready to attack those countries that Atlantis was supposedly created to defend.

With all these reasons and some strategic issues that can't be made public as Brazil decided to not participate in this game of deception.
Then Brazil came in contact with Pakistan and joined the original idea of Atlantis, with the idea of an alliance of cooperation anda peace GC began to be structured. Immediately the friendly nations that have been excluded from Atlantis at the members of FIST were invited to participate in an intense round of discussions. After almost 48 hours we along with our allies establish the Peace GC. A democratic alliance where everyone are equal and with the goal of ensuring the prosperity of the participating nations.


We zijn dus begonnen met het samenstellen van MPP's. Het contract van deze alliantie is hier te vinden, en moet nog doorgelezen, begrepen en ondertekend worden.

Maar vraag je je af: Wat met de MA ( Mediterranean Alliance ) ?
De status van deze alliantie is, dat deze in een put zit. Men probeert eruit te komen, maar echt nieuw leven in blazen lukt nog niet.
De MA bestaat dus theoretisch al lang niet meer.
Veel landen uit de MA zitten nu in Peace (Oostenrijk, Frankrijk, Italie etcetera)

Mede doordat er geruchten zijn dat eZweden intresse zou hebben in eNederland, moeten we snel keuze's maken. En het ziet er naar uit, dat eNederland een plekje gaat krijgen in de PEACE alliantie.

Ook is er bekent gemaakt dat Roemenie, Bulgarije en Hongarije binnenvallen wil vallen!
Maar ook eSpanje is een grote agressor in onze omgeving.

Al met al is het een drukke tijd, ik hoop ook dat de mede mens geduld toont naar iedereen die hier mee bezig is.
