PEACE Media Mogul sistem

Day 614, 13:56 Published in Serbia Serbia by Ministarstvo informisanja

Građani e-Srbije,

sledeći tekst je prevod novog zvaničnog članka PEACE-a koji se odnosi na akciju Media Mogul.

Zdravo svima!

Sa ponosom vam najavljujemo uspešnu završnicu prve faze PEACE GC Media Mogul Fundraiser (PMMF) projekta i početak druge faze!

U prvom spisku smo imali 24 lista i svaki od njih trenutno ima bar jednu Media Mogul medalju (MMM). Veoma smo Vam zahvalni na saradnji!

Kao sto već znate, ovaj projekat je prouzrokovao veliko uzbuđenje među ljudima, i broj volontera koji su pomogli PEACE GC i našli se na ovoj listi je impresivan. Mi smo prezadovoljni razvojem i želeli bismo da vam predstavimo drugu listu novinskih listova kojima je pružena šansa da steknu MMM. Pažljivo smo izabrali ljude sa ove liste i pokušali smo da uvrstimo bar jedan list iz svake savezničke zemlje. Većina ljudi koji su navedeni ispod su ugledni građani njihovih zemalja koji su doprineli njihovim nacijama na razne načine. Dalje, oni su svi prijatelji PEACE GC-a i svi su oni već donirali našem savezu. Zato vas molimo da se pretplatite na njihove novine sa vaših ličnih naloga i organizacija da bi im pomogli da steknu Media Mogul medalju.

Hvala vam svima i ne zaboravite, uspeh ovog projekta znači da će se isti nastaviti i ubuduće, kao i da ćemo moći da pružimo više šansi da postanete ponosni vlasnik Media Mogul medalje!

Molimo Vas da se pretplatite na sledeće listove:
bernas- - Portugalski Elitni vojnik
StiH - Slovenački predsednik
D.I.U - Ruski kongresmen i vojnik
Laurana Psion - Japanski predstavnik
ProfetaVI - Predsednik Čilea
cTaHucJIaB - Bugarski Ministar odbrane
Jesus Hernandez - Predsednik stranke iz Venecuele
ThomasRed - Predsednik UNL-a
Argentino guerrillero - Predstavnik Argentine
cawx - Predsednik Litvanije
darden - Predsednik Italije
SchtroumpfBreton - Francuski General, kongresmen u 7 mandata i dvostruki society builder
HazzN - Predsednik Filipina
Habraka Abrivianius - Nemački elitni vojnik koji je finansijski pomogao RW prilikom oslobođenja Nemačke
AgentChieftain - Predsednik Pakistana u 3 mandata
Skazis Letonski dvostruki society builder i novinar
Hassan Pesaran - Premijer Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva
pejmaaan - Predsednik stranke iz Irana
Reina Borg - Bivši Argentinski predsednik
Lunatic2903 - Srpski General i novinar
Bima - Indonežanski elitni vojnik
darkvenom - Bivši Brazilski predsednik i elitni vojnik
wizzie_don - Indonežanski vojnik i kongresmen u 4 mandata. (Predsednik izumrle Južne Afrike😁

Hello everyone,

We are happy to announce the successful completion of the first stage of the PEACE GC Media Mogul Fundraiser (PMMF) project and the beginning of the second stage !

In the first list we had 24 newspapers and every one of them now has at least one Media Mogul Medal (MMM). We are very grateful to you for your cooperation!

As you might already know, this project stirred great excitement among people and the number of volunteers to help PEACE GC and to appear on this list is impressive. We are extremely happy about that development and would like to present you the second list of newspapers that are given the chance to obtain a MMM. We have carefully selected the people on this list and have tried to include at least one newspaper from each allied country. Most people that you will see listed below are respected members of their societies that have contributed to their nations in one way or another. Furthermore, they are all friends of PEACE GC and all of them have donated to our alliance already. That's why we ask you to subscribe to their newspapers using your account and organizations and help them achieve media mogul status.

Thank you all and don't forget that the success of this program means that it will continue in the future and we will be able to provide more of you with the chance to become media moguls.

Please subscribe to the following newspapers::
bernas- - Portuguese elite soldier
bekesjarokelo - Hungarian government advisor
StiH - Slovenian president
D.I.U - Russian congressman and soldier
Laurana Psion - Japanese representative
ProfetaVI - Chilean president
Lynari - Austrian president
cTaHucJIaB - Bulgarian minister of defense
Jesus Hernandez - Venezuelan party president
ThomasRed - UNL president
Argentino guerrillero - Argentinian representative
cawx - Lithuanian president
darden - Italian president
SchtroumpfBreton - French general, 7-time congressman and 2-times society builder
HazzN - Philippine president
Jose Miguel - Colombian government advisor and point person for Colombia for this program
Habraka Abrivianius - German elite soldier who assisted financially the RWs during the German liberation.
AgentChieftain - 3-times Pakistani president
Skazis - Latvian 2-times society builder and journalist
Hassan Pesaran - United Kingdom's prime minister
pejmaaan - Iranian party president
Reina Borg - Former Argentinian president
Lunatic2903 - Serbian general and journalist
Bima - Indonesian elite soldier
darkvenom - Former Brazilian president and elite soldier
wizzie_don - Indonesian soldier and 4-time congressman. (President of the extinct Republic of South Africa😁

P.S. Ovaj tekst je preveo Bokee88, NAGLASAVAMO da se ne bi ljutio 🙂

Vase Ministarstvo informisanja