PEACE GC Crumbles, The Muckraker Officially Runs Out Of Source Material

Day 728, 21:33 Published in USA USA by Hari Michaelson

Dammit PEACE, why did you have to break apart just as I was getting a good article streak going?

That is all.

-Hari Michaelson

"Who will we mine for comedy now?!" Asks Editor of Mediocre Newspaper

With the flurry of nations leaving PEACE GC, the alliance has become, for all intents and purposes dead in the water, continuing to exist in name only. It is also believed that in its current state PEACE, which is now comprised entirely of countries who were once "minor members" of the alliance, will not survive the increased cost of MPPs. And while all throughout EDEN and The Brolliance there is a sense of happiness and cautious optimism, it would seem that some citizens are not so happy about the fall of the longstanding alliance.

"This is total balls." commented Hari Michaelson, local boozehound and Editor-in-Chief of The Muckraker, a sensationalist newspaper made notable only by its lack of proper spellchecking and its continued dedication to printing outright lies. "Look, anyone can write an article that actually 'reports' the so-called 'news' or whatever, and that same anyone can also put pictures of scantily clad women in that same article. But here [at The Muckraker] we were doing something revolutionary in our articles. Hilariously incorrect statements just ridiculous enough to skirt the issue of libel; God it was an Editor's paradise!"

He takes a moment to fasten his pants and continues to speak as we leave the men's room.

"But with PEACE GC gone, who are we going to write about now?! I mean, yeah, we can always make fun of the midwest, but dammit, that only lasts for so long. With PEACE every day brought a new set of lulz-worthy actions. Getting kicked out of California without so much as a single tank? Convincing Colombia to attack us? My God man, we won three Pulitzers and an Emmy somehow when Russia thought it was a brilliant idea to RW our territories back!"

He sighs, shaking his head. "It's over man."

When asked for commentary on Hari Michaelson's concerns, President Josh Frost was, against all odds, available for commentary, stating "Who?"
The Mucraker: We're not going to print anymore articles, but you should broscribe anyway.