Peace Corps:Selects its HQ, Reorganizes its Company Systems,

Day 1,029, 23:46 Published in Ireland Ireland by Peace Corps

Greetings World,

The Peace Corps has officially hit its first week anniversary and has grown to a steady count of 24 enlisted members from around the world. These members have contributed to the Peace Corps since they joined the Corps. Helping to make it a presence in many smaller countries. Of which it has been in assisted in a few conflicts.

Peace Corps Security Battalion, March through India heading to its first Headquarters

Peace Corps Heavy Security, Prepared for Emergency Deployment while at Parade

Such as:
Australia, India/Pakistan, FoH, Czech, Lituania, Croatia, and Austria and to this very moment still sends it security battalions throughout the world. With the sole purpose of providing support to countries in need of extra military support.

The Peace Corps Executive Commandant KarlKorne was interviewed live. The interview was held by Previous Country President Acacia Mason. Asking both about KarlKornes history, his ideas, and why he formed the Peace Corps. Which can be accessible at any time at this location:

The Peace Corps has seen steady growth over the past week. Of which it has made its decision to select a country to be its main base of operations. The Peace Corps choose to India as its base of operations per the countries location on the world map. Making it accessible to every country and at a fair price on Moving Tickets.

Peace Corps Headquarters lit up mid-day

The Peace Corps announces that it is still seeking people to enlist into an Security Battalion. Seeking people willing to travel abroad and help protect countries from both invasion and that of PTOs. If you are someone who is willing to forget about politics, problems of past. Then the Peace Corps wishes to offer you a chance with a fresh clean slate. Offering you opportunities around the world and to make friends abroad. So If you looking for something new, and wish to be apart of something trying to make a difference. Then Enlist into the Peace Corps Today.

We at the Peace Corps have another need which is one of a very great importance. That is that our companies we own. We have several companies which are in need of being staffed. But the Peace Corps is a non profit organization which in turns states that the Peace Corps doesn't charge for its protective service. Cutting back on what the Peace Corps can afford to pay in the way of salaries. The Peace Corps has adopted the international pay-rate of .25[currency] an hour.

Many people will state and make it obvious that this is not that much of a salary. But we ask that when you consider our salaries for employment in the Peace Corps companies. How much monetary aid does the Peace Corps receive worldwide. That is in most times answerable by saying we get no monetary aid. As we ask for none from anyone.

To help supplement the Peace Corps employment. The Peace Corps is offering a meal with every employee a day. Which at the current moment is a 4/Health and 2/Happiness meal. Which is provided at a rate of 1 per 6 hour shift performed. If you perform 10 hours or more. You shall receive that of 2 meals in a day.

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