PEACE brings THUNDER to Sweden

Day 569, 11:37 Published in Sweden Hungary by Tóth TamÃ&
Atlantis was on the offensive some days ago and had the chance to take more regions. They failed miserable.

In Hungary there is a better word to describe that tactic, cowardness.
Hungary and PEACE secured all regions yesterday like nothing, it was a walk in the park on a sunny sunday afternoon. Most soldiers never got the chance to fight. I spend the day playing poker with some soldiers just to have something to do while moving from region to region. You sure do have a nice landscape!

Was this all Atlantis had? come on, they can bring it! Apperently they didn't, or couldn't - they rested, reloaded to defend today instead.

Now it was Hungary and PEACE turn to show some offense.
This day was Bavaria on the table. Our informants had spotted large groups of enemy soldiers well defended and dug in. Now it was time to show the Veteran Commanders in Atlantis that their tactical skills are veteran enough to belong in a museum. Now it was time to show some Modern Warfare, Now it was time to bring It On and show some offensive skills.

Geared up with Q4 weapons and my hungarian Elite uniform I suddenly felt a bit sad. Today we would change the powerbalance in the world. We would destroy the beliefs for so many Snowpeople. We would prove their religion wrong and kill their faith along with their old rusty armors and their hoplessly obsolete Axes. We would show the starving peasants that the Age of pirates doensn't exist, that it was only a fake invented to transfer Gold in the pockets of the already Fat and Wealthy leaders.
We would take their old rusty tanks out, knock holes in their concrete bunkers and invite their Harem to real dates with real men, they would see the SUN for the first time in life and they would love it.

It was dark when I landed alone with my parachute just outside Munich. My objectie was a ground-to-air-missile station with a combined radarfunction. I thougt for a second if I would need full wellness to take them all out, I quietly laughed at myself. Was I nervous?

They never knew what hit them.

11:09 Legendary fight, Tilde! Total damage 261
11:09 Legendary fight, Tilde! Total damage 246
11:10 Legendary fight, Tilde! Total damage 231
11:10 Legendary fight, Tilde! Total damage 216
11:10 Legendary fight, Tilde! Total damage 201

Tilde POWER!

11:11 I transmitted a short message to the PEACE HQ back in Budapest. "Bring Thunder"

The Swedish Command and Atlantis where still confident that their PRO Veteran tactics would win the war. Lots of people though of Atlantis this day, none of them felt strong or safe.

The Soldiers of Atlantis was as ready as they could ever be, but they didn't realize that their Tactics, Weapons, Organization and Beliefs was all obsolete. They never saw it coming.

The Thunder Struck them from a clear sky.

Bavaria Conquered.


VOTE for PEACE! SUBSCRIBE for the hungarian flag on the highest building in Munich!

Yours in War
/Tóth Tamás