Day 4,178, 03:57 Published in United Kingdom USA by Michael Ludgate

I humbly put myself forward to lead this great nation. I feel that my experience, as a substitute drama teacher, more than qualifies me for this position. The level of support is quite frankly overwhelming, and so I can not stand in the curtains any longer.

Now I must turn this joyous message for my people, to reveal a sinister plot. For some time out current CP has been plotting to bring down the country. I was as shocked as you must now be, but we can not let our faith in our great leader blind us to the dangers of an emerging Sith Lord.

Fortunately our evil CP's powers are currently restricted by our great dictator. Our dictator stands resolute against such shenanigans. Our dictator is a great man who wrestles bears for hugs when he's feeling lonely. Once on a fishing trip, Clive our shotgun caddy slipped and broke his ankle. Our great dictator, sprinted after a deer that he rode back to town. Doctors said that it was our great dictators swift action that led to caddy comrade Clive recovering fully.

With my experience and more importantly, the strong working relationship I have with our great and fair dictator; I'm confident that not only can I lead this great nation as CP, we can vanquish any evil plans.
