PCP News #2

Day 1,118, 12:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by People's Initiative
PCP: The Biggest Communist Party In The eUK

This is a news update (albeit quite late) on the goings on of the PCP. Get involved on the forums (simply request access to the PCP subforum on Private Forum Requests and People’s Communist Party will be available under the Party Politics header), help out in our committees, meet fellow PCP-ers, discuss party and legislative matters, vote for future party presidents, vote for country president candidates and even get a chance of getting elected into a congress seat as a representative of our party. The poll for our next party president is up. So members, get on now to vote. Here is our new shineh website.

After a close fought PP election battle on forum, Sir Scott Williamson was elected as the new president of the PCP on the 15th November. He took over from cas3 after his 2 months in service. However, pressure was put on him by the members of the party to quit following his ban from the forums. He finally conceded on Sunday 28th, having fiddled with party information, and moved to fight for the Canadians (he has now been placed on the eUK blacklist). Anaxima took over for the remainder of the term.

This month's Party President elections are coming up. As usual in our party, our elections will be held on-forum. The poll is up already, so if you are a member, get on the forums and request access to our party in the Private Forum Requests section to vote for our PP for the next month. Anaxima is re-running, and faces Avlana Kiarunto.

The mentor scheme is a PCP run scheme open for any young citizen looking for aid, advice and support. Go to the link for more information and to apply for your own mentor. You can also apply by going on our IRC channel, #pcp, on Rizon.

The PCP has a new website, courtesy of ex-PP cas3. This gives all the information and links you need for the PCP, member or not, in a nice and clear format. Bookmark for quick and easy access.

PCPCON is up and running, a company whose aim is to reward the workers fairly, and only the workers. Join one of the Co-op companies, run by PCP members, and as a worker you will receive a proportional wage and get donated dividends from the company. A company for the workers- Click the link for more info.

That is all for this issue. Don’t forget to get on the forums and request access to the PCP if you are a PCP member. It is very important that all members are forum active; every person counts, as most party decisions and activities are made on the forums. Here you can vote for our future Party Presidents, Country President candidates and even apply to run for congress under us.

- Avlana Kiarunto