Day 1,070, 16:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by People's Initiative

The mood in eUK politics has taken somewhat of a downturn recently, thanks largely to the work of Goku Jones - current Party President of the RFA. He has started a campaign of hatred and slander against the PCP, without provocation. I have to admit that at first I saw it as a move taken by the RFA as a party, and my feelings towards them went downhill to say the least. However after reading posts from key members of the RFA it would seem that Goku implemented this campaign with little or no consultation with the party.

I am disappointed with myself for my feelings towards the RFA after this campaign started. I now see it as a campaign put forth unilaterally by Goku Jones with the support of a few members of the RFA, however the whole party shouldn’t be tarred with the same brush. I hate to bring it up but this is exactly what people say when talking about the PCP, that you shouldn’t judge a party by the actions of individuals. The PCP has been unfairly labeled as traitors etc based on the actions of a few (myself included). This article is nothing to do with that but the context is the same.

I now remember that the vast majority of RFA are good people and the we have both worked with in the past on many levels, for example in legislative affairs or as last month with cooperation in congressional elections. The fact that me and Darkmantle (who have never particularly got on well) worked together last month says a lot I think, and even though I don’t agree with all his ideals I respect his dedication to his party and hard work. This is why I was shocked to learn that Goku blocked Darkmantle from running in congress today using 2-clickers. The fact that he did this because Darkmantle stood up to Goku over his unilateral policy decisions only serves to highlight the fact that the leader of the RFA is completely out of touch with his party members, as well as the best interests of his party.

I’m gonna be honest, I really do like the RFA. I think there is a place in every country’s political makeup for a party such as the RFA - made from individuals with differing ideologies. It can be seen as a weakness in many ways but it is also their greatest strength. I for one will continue to try to ignore the campaign set in motion by Goku Jones and look forward to next month. Hopefully the RFA will once again be under competent leadership and they can carry on the good progress made over the last few months (if Goku doesn’t reverse this trend too badly).

Yours lovingly,
cas3 & The PCP