Patriotism At Its Finest

Day 1,322, 23:25 Published in USA USA by Kijiman

Well here we are. First, I would like to wish you all a very happy Independence Day, the day when we celebrate three things.



and Wimmenz:

And of course there's also the whole American Independence thing too, but we symbolize that well enough.

However, being an eAmerican on eRepublik, I have another thing to celebrate. And that is the beginning of the reclaiming of our nation. In case you haven't noticed, our Resistance Wars have been facing less and less resistance since the Wipe, meaning that hopefully, our oppressors have decided their invasion was 'successful' and they should back off. This may just be a lull in their attack power, perhaps they got distracted by other things, or maybe they just don't care anymore, but in case you don't remember, I am not a military genius quite yet, so I am interpreting this as I will.

However, if this is the attacking countries backing off, it makes me question their motives for the attack in the first place. Their timing for backing off, right after the wipe, leads me to believe that their only motive for this attack was to prove that it is possible to take us out, and perhaps erode some of the egos that have been built up over the time since the last time we were almost wiped.

But you should not lose morale, and you should definitely not give in to their tricks and propaganda, because we still have reasons to be proud.

For one, it took a combined five nations (Hungary, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and Indonesia), with a population combination of 42,016 people to take us down. That means that we were (and still are) outnumbered more than 5 to 1. This in itself is a huge accomplishment. And this also demonstrates our power as a nation. While it is true that we were no longer America for a few hours, we have proven ourselves to be a very tough contender, and shown that we will not go down without a fight. Another accomplishment is that we have distracted our enemies from more important matters, meaning that this invasion drained their resources more than it did ours. This means that they will have less resources to invade our allies with, and less attack power as a whole. And last but certainly not least, is the fact that we're still here! We were only gone for a few hours! Our enemies could only hold us down for such a limited period of time that the majority of people were asleep for it. And in the time since then, we have recovered more than 5 regions, which marks the beginning of our recovery.

Now, I'm completely ignoring the fact that our enemies played dirty, and only attacked us when 95% of our players were offline, as well as letting the Spaniards do all the heavy lifting, and then come in to take some cheap shots.

But this article is not about the Wipe, this article is about the beginning of recovery, and the courage we have all shown in this invasion. But my fellow eAmericans, we are not out of the woods yet. There are still plenty of spiders, poisonous toads, and wild boars to come out and spoil our 4th of July shenanigans. So I ask of you all, join a military unit, get active, and fight for our country! Even 100 influence can be the turning point of a battle, so no matter how much strength you have, or how many weapons you can afford, you can still help America.

We all have a very important decision tomorrow. It is time to elect a president who will lead us out of this crisis, and help us take revenge on those who oppressed us, as well as help our allies who are under a very similar occupation to us. Myself, I will be voting for thedillpickl, but I will not be telling you to vote for him, as that is not the purpose of this article. But if you are still debating who to vote for, I ask you to read each candidate's agenda, and decide for yourselves who is the best choice for America.

Again, I would like to wish you all a very happy Independence day, as well as proposing a toast to the beginning of the reclamation of our great nation, America. Stay strong my fellow Americans, and never lose hope!

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