Patrick O'Leary - PP of ILP

Day 1,330, 12:26 Published in Ireland Ireland by Patrick O'leary

Ladies, Gentlemen, eIrish everywhere:

It is time again to choose a Party President and I wish to once again have your mandate to continue the great changes to our Party.

Under my leadership our great party maintains its No.1 status in eIreland.

Under my stewardship I have supported the Democratization of the ILP. Not only supported but made it happen. We have a forum where each Party member has an Equal say on the rules governing the ILP. I have encouraged the Commune system and supported Labour's Army in every possible way.

I have appointed a specific Director of Change who is tasked with implementing these changes.

But I do not want to stop here. There is much more I wish to do to improve how we do business. These I will set out below in no particular order.

1 We need to develop Party Policy on the various game mechanics giving our unique slant, a left wing slant on how eIreland should develop .

2. We need to create formal ties with other left wing parties in other eNations. We can teach and learn from each other.

3. We need to develop a learning program for new citizens to get them up to speed in Party and Game mechanics.

4. Develop the forum's and party structure even more, and significantly increase active users on the Party Forums.

Comrades we can achieve so much as a Party with the correct leadership. I believe I am that leader.

Vote Patrick O'Leary for the Independent Labour Party on the 15th of July and together we WILL go forward.

As you all know, I like to have funny pictures from, soooo