Pat4CP Cabinet released.

Day 2,049, 13:46 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

I guess you were wondering what was inside my beautiful wooden cabinet?
Well you are about to see. Canada is becoming exceedingly empty and after loosing a large proportion of our most active players to the USA I was stuck on what do do and who to include. Oinyo, to start impressed me. I liked the activity etc. but that all seemed to die alongside the mysterious 'babyboom project' which has done absolutely nothing. Oinyo has been busy as of late from what I understand and there has been a complete lack of communication, articles and activity. I find it sad to see the country deteriorate at the rate it is.

Why you should vote for me:
I am not always a clown, I enjoy writing funny articles because it brings activity to eCanada but I will take this job 100% seriously and will do everything I can to make the most of it. I have put together a cabinet which I believe will be up to the job, not from those with the most experience but with those who have shown considerable activity and interest into the support of eCanada.

The cabinet:

Country President: Pat Harper
Vice President(s): Umbra Bellator + Shere Richard Parker
The reason for having two is why have one when you can have two?

MoFA: Shoi12
dMoFA: Whoever Shoi want's - Shoi gets.

Mo😨 Punisher 1389
dMoD: I-Bleed-Blue-93
It's a short list but I think it's all thats needed.

I won't have a 'think tank' as oinyo did, but I will create a large PM which will include Party PP's, VPP's, MU commanders + 2nd commanders as well as anyone else who wants to be included.

As I said before, I can't promise you regions, and I wont. All I can do is try preserve what we have, increase the activity and be more of a pain in the backside to Spain than ever unless they are ready to come to an agreement at last.

Thank's for reading.

-Pat Harper-