Passing of a Legend

Day 882, 17:21 Published in USA USA by S-Mac31

Although I'm a little late on this, I feel like its nessary to pay my tribute to one of the greats of the game, Emerick. Whether you loved him or were running agianst him, you had to respect him. The way he played the game showed class, and like Woxan said in his article, "he made the game interesting".

When I was just starting out, people from his party sent me messages of his story, and I began to talk with him. No matter what your view of his political standpoint, he had what he thought was the countrys best interest in mind.

Bottom line, Emerick helped our country a lot more than he hurt it. I think we all need to thank him for the services he gave our country. Emerick, we wish you the best in the real world!

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