Party Time!

Day 507, 13:44 Published in Germany United Kingdom by Elisa Vorimberg

Two new political parties are just getting started, and I think we should take a moment to take a look at them. They have many new and more relevant ideas than some of the old parties we know and love.

First, the Reformed Federal Democrats, this is assuming that Crimson90 wins the party president election.
Official Statement:
They have strong economic policy based on focusing on manufacturing and grain, and giving free reign to importers for raw materials that can't be produced efficiently here.
And they want to give the president and his(her) cabinet the power to make decisions regarding national security in total secrecy.
They also have a radical stance on the Union, and want to recognize Austria as an independent state. And say that we should only gain territory by diplomatic means, never taking land by conquest.

And the Austro-German National Democratic Party, almost always referred to as the AGNDP.
Official Statement:
This is the first party to mention minimum wage, they want to always keep it 0.5DEM above the price of 1q food.
Also, creating several newspapers for every branch of the government to keep the people well informed.
They also suggest donating 10DEM to all new immigrants.
And creating a defense force of 100-300 soldiers to ensure Germany's survival.
They also emphasize never making back-room deals, always bringing decisions to the people.
And bringing in many new young congress members to emphasize new ideas.

I encourage all Germans to take a look at the parties and really think about what you believe in, the current party you are in might not be the best anymore.

-Elisa Vorimberg