Party President Elections!

Day 693, 08:59 Published in Japan Japan by Imperial Sun Party

Party President Elections

It is that time again for the most uninteresting of the three monthly elections: political party presidential elections! I hope that the good members of the Imperial Sun Party will continue to support me as well as the party as we help make eJapan stronger! In the past month, the Imperial Sun Party again became the largest party in congress, edging out the Godzilla Party in seats, and the party also elected to support eSOS Brigade member Oraizan in her bid for the country presidency, which she won with our support. We also successfully passed the largest military spending bill to date, 14000 JPY for the month, that does not endanger eJapan fiscally and provides faster rates of promotion for the members of the military. With the help of ISP votes in the eJapanese Diet, the military now also operates Nippon Weapons Q5 company, which produces the finest weapons and will help our soldiers in battle.

Party Vice President
I hereby appoint long-time party stalwart, member of congress, and author of the Constitution of our fine eRepublik, Reiji Mitsurugi to the position of Party Vice President, effective immediately. His tireless efforts have strengthened the party, and he is an active member of the community who can do things like close important votes in the ISP forums when something shiny distracts me so that other people don't have to! A preemptive thank you and much well-wishing to him in this important role.

Imperial Sun Party organization
As I mentioned before, the party now has the funds for an organization that can serve as extra storage as well as Press Director of this publication, New Society, so that it can be passed down to future party presidents. Yet before I could create the organization entitled "Imperial Sun Party," someone beat me to it, perhaps the first case of eRepublik eCybersquatting. If anyone knows who operates the organization and wishes to be compensated for it by the party for its use, please let me know. I certainly hope they don't do anything clever with it, like those cybersquaters did with "" a while back (ha ha don't go to that link, it's "not safe for work").

Party Information
-For more information about the ISP, please view the official ISP webpage online here:
-eWiki also has a nice history of the party here: eWiki ISP page
-Metic continues to serve ably as Imperial Sun Party Information Officer. Please contact him regarding any of our online publications or postings in the national forums.
-Metic has posted an ISP information database, available online here:

Party members with questions about the basic structure of the party should refer here. If you have not signed up in the national forums, please do so at your earliest convenience! If you are a party member, please apply for membership in the ISP usergroup (available in the "user control panel").

Imperial Sun over Fujisan

President, Imperial Sun Party