Party President Application

Day 2,025, 12:28 Published in USA Canada by Greene12

Fellow Federalists, I would like to apply for the Party President Position.

In a matter of hours our PP election process will begin. I hope you all find it within your raging fed bones to nominate, and then vote for me.

I would super appreciate it and stuff 🙂

For those who don’t know me well, I’ve been in the feds since somewhere around day 1 (give or take a bunch of days) and I’ve loved every minute of it. I firmly believe that this is the best party and I’m happy for every moment I spend here. I look forward to the grilling you’re about to subdue me to, as we feds are wont to do.

We're in the middle of some amazing times. I don't need to outline the topics already dominating discussion, but I want to lay out my philosophy for how we feds should act:

We Should Be Kicking All The Asses

We've never been a party to let anyone tell us to stand down. We have more ambition and drive than anyone. Its all about building up the country and making America as great as it can be. We bleed red white and blue because we don't think about why something cannot be done, we think about why on earth we haven't managed to do it yet, and then we do it.

I want to lead this party for the next month. I've got the activity, I've got a raging fed boner, and most importantly:

I've Got An Amazing Team

I want to go ahead and introduce my proposed cabinet now, starting with VPP Derphoof

Derp’s got amazing talent in the media and he knows how this game is played. He isn’t afraid to shout against the tide and I know he’ll tell me when I’m wrong. Then we’ll get to fight about it a little before I agree with him.

Tyler Bublaar will serve as our political director. I’ve enjoyed his ambition and sheer activity this past month, and we need some of the Best Friends Club running things.

Mike Penny is running the FBI, and I’m personally scared of him. He's watching you, and he isn't going to stop anytime soon.

AlexJ1890 will continue as the director of the Federalist Express. He’s one of our hardest workers and we would be lost without him.

Thankfully, the amazing media of Derphoof will continue this month as he leads our Press Relations department. Seriously, no one can best this guy, jakov reads him for inspiration, as does your favorite deity.

CrashThompson is a God, surrounded by the skulls of his enemies. I’ve never seen one man create so much damage and burn down so many small balkan villiges. Thankfully for us all, he’s learned to channel his wrath into his efforts as the Commanding Officer of SHIELD.

PeteyAlazar is another one of our talented and active new faces. He took the reins of recruitment, and I feel safer at night knowing he’s gonna stay there.

Clydeo also took over our Retention department a bit ago, and he’s been kicking ass in that department. Another newer player whose activity and ambition benefits us all.

I've also decided to start emphasizing ATO and voter mobility even more, and I introduce Josh Frost as the Director of Federalist ATO Operations (Or whatever he ends up wanting to call it). He's already proved himself extremely talented at bringing bickering groups together in the name of defending our country, and I've chosen him to lay it down in the foundation how we're going to make sure we feds never drop the ball on this.

Bring on the questions feds, and bring on the pain.

Aspiring Party President