Party Perspectives with PrincessVictoria: USWP Edition

Day 1,095, 04:05 Published in USA USA by PrincessVictoria

My fellow eAmericans,

I’ve been looking forward to this article since the series introduction dropped four days ago. The Starting Lineup has changed since then due to the PTO of SEES, the collapse of the American Defense and Trade Party, and the dissolution of R.A.G.E. I do not know where the future takes us in regards to who will and won’t be covered due to lack of response or disbandment but Party Perspectives will still be here!

In a quest to cover the parties in the best way I possibly could, I decided to seek out interviews with each president of the parties I am covering as part of the series. In this article, I am interviewing Haliman, Party President of USWP.

Without further ado, I give to you Party Perspectives: United States Workers Party Edition!

Q: I think what you have to pay attention to the most when choosing a political party, in real life or as part of a game, is what the party stands for. What does United States Workers Party stand for? Why does your party stand for this?

A: The USWP stands for equal opportunity. We won't discriminate leadership positions against people just because they are new. Take me for example. I joined eRepublik in March of 2010. Still pretty young, but I worked my way up, and earned this position. As long as you have a genuine desire to help the party, or even the country out, we will always have spots open for people. That being said, if you don't have enough time to make as much of an impact as you would like, we still love members! I pride myself whenever I see a new member on the forums, or IRC, since it reminds me that we are always growing.

Q: As with any group I choose to belong to, I expect a certain level of solidarity. This solidarity must be intact or I cannot put myself into the group as much as I would prefer. What does United States Workers Party offer to encourage a spirit of camaraderie and support?

A: We have always had a friendly environment for new players and old players alike. We have someone online at pretty much anytime, and try to help out as much as we can. I try to welcome new members on a more personal level than most, since I'll usually shoot them a PM welcoming them to ask me whatever they need. I try to be, sort of the role model for other USWP members to step up and help new party members. Something they have been doing and I have been very proud!

Q: Modern political parties have modeled themselves after a predecessor, like the Democratic Party in the South modeled themselves after the Populists in the 1800s. Who does United States Workers Party strive to be like as a party? How do you achieve that goal?

A: Being the #1 party in America, we have a unique goal. We have the goal of staying at the top, whereas the other parties are fighting to become number one. Personally, I am trying to push us away from the "Old Party" view, and have been stressing our new players' achievements. We have had quite a few younger players step up lately, and I love it. Something people will learn about me, I am a huge advocate of young leadership. I think they are full of new ideas, and should be given a shot!

What I'm getting at, is that this party is for new players, and old players alike.

Q: The most important assets to any political entity are allies. Who do you work most closely? How did United States Workers Party come to work with these allies?

A: Melissa Rose and I have talked multiple times in the past, and I really am looking forward to working closely with her.

I LOVE ATHANARIC. I am looking forward to a very cooperative month with the UIP this month, too!

The newly revived Libs is lead by their sexy leader, Iasov, whom I've worked with for a while now in the USWP. I like where this is going as well!

Although I do not know Nicholas Ryan as well as the other three, I was pushing many, many, people to vote for him against this PTO threat recently.

All in all, I feel this is a very strong top 5, and will work closely with the others!

Q: I expect a certain quality of leadership from the groups I belong to, whether in reality or online. A great leader strengthens the ties that bind his group together. What platform did you run on for President of United States Workers Party? Why did you want to run for Party President?

A: I ran with the same platform as last month: Change.

We have had a lot of great leaders lately, but I felt like we needed to shift our image from older player priority to younger player priority. We have a huge player base of two-clickers. I want to make that a huge player base of active members. We can do that by having a much more lively leadership, and by enticing these people with new ideas.

Why did I run for PP? Simple. I want to make us the best party in the world once again.

Q: Another vital part to the security of a political entity is the body that carries out the will of its leader and ensures that the voice of its constituents. What do you think of the congressional elections? Why? Has any congressional election adversely affected the United States Workers Party?

A: We have won pluralities in the past few elections. We did this through hard work, which I intend to continue. We have the edge, with momentum from last election, but we do not have it won. We still need lively congresspeople to campaign for, and will never stop that hunt. The election that we first got a plurality really raised our morale a whole lot. Not cockiness, rather, happiness. We were all so proud that day, and we haven't let it get to our heads since!

I look forward to your feedback in regards to this article and hope you have enjoyed reading as much as I have enjoyed interviewing.

Till next time, my dear readers…
~ PrincessVictoria