Party Perspectives with PrincessVictoria: UIP Edition

Day 1,097, 13:18 Published in USA USA by PrincessVictoria

My fellow eAmericans,

Out of all the parties I’ve come into contact with in my stay on eRep, the United Independents Party has been a bit of an enigma to me. The UIP seemed so unlike the other parties in regards to its structure and the fellowship that I had seen among its members that it was rather intriguing. I interviewed Athanaric, Party President of the United Independents Party, who helped to bring the UIP experience to life for me.

Without further ado, I give to you Party Perspectives: United Independents Party!

Q: I think what you have to pay attention to the most when choosing a political party, in real life or as part of a game, is what the party stands for. What does United Independents Party stand for? Why does your party stand for this?

A: Unlike a lot of the other parties, the UIP is much less a party and much more of an affiliation of friends. And I mean that sincerely. Even with me being technically in charge, the amount of input and creative ideas coming from the members just goes to show you that it’s not so much about a hierarchy or an ideal we all hold up, but the fact that we can come together and bring out opinions in to make something we couldn’t have done on our own.

In essence, the UIP stands for what I consider is the closest thing to independence you can get in a party. But the creativity and again the friendships built make that independence much less about the individual, and much more about the community.

Q: As with any group I choose to belong to, I expect a certain level of solidarity. This solidarity must be intact or I cannot put myself into the group as much as I would prefer. What does United Independents Party offer to encourage a spirit of camaraderie and support?

A: We don’t all believe the same thing in UIP. We don’t have the same visions of what our party should do, and we don’t have a really set hierarchy or structure we set standards by. This essentially means that we are all equals within the parties, and we each find our own niche to work within and do what we like, whether that be tech, management, or fun. I think it’s that availability to do what you wish to do, and that chance for sudden “advancement” which allows us to form a support system. We all not only recognize and accept that your views will be different, we encourage it. It’s a chaotic process at times, but one which I think is going to be seen as working beautifully in the coming months.

Q: Modern political parties have modeled themselves after a predecessor, like the Democratic Party in the South modeled themselves after the Populists in the 1800s. Who does United Independents Party strive to be like as a party? How do you achieve that goal?

A: We don’t particularly have a real life model. The structure of the UIP is very much based off of the concept that if you come in and want to be part of the community, you can. And it’s that available. I personally message all of my members asking them for input with our programs and how to make them better, and I think it’s that sort of personal connection that’s most important. In the end, this is a game, and you not only want to have fun, but feel like you can and are making a difference. The key thing I want to bring to UIP this tenure as Party President is that availability for party members, of any caliber; to explore what they can add to the community we’re building.

Q: The most important assets to any political entity are allies. Who do you work most closely? How did United Independents Party come to work with these allies?

A: I think, this month particularly, the whole Top 5 parties are particularly close. Haliman and Melissa Rose are two of my closest friends in game, and the Feds, USWP, and UIP all tend to chill together in different mixes. I have always personally held a fondness for SEES as well, and I think Nicholas Ryan, as well as being devilishly sexy (I’ve seen the pics) is an excellent activator for where that party needs to go. The Libs are back, and along with them are some of my favorite people. It’s just a real blast getting to hang out with the other parties, and personally I see all of them as allies. There’s no real need for enemies within your own country when at the end of the day you’re all working for the same goal: making this country better.

Our Top 5 relations are strong bonds I want to keep, because I care about a lot of the people in them, but I also think that UIP maintains a particularly good relationship with the smaller parties too. The Technocrats, the United We Stand Party, and the Tetrarchian Party have all personally helped me in the past, as well as a few others, and it’s the support of these smaller parties which often goes unnoticed.

I think all in all, the UIP has many allies and few real enemies, because it goes back to our philosophy of acceptance of differences.

I look forward to your feedback in regards to this article and hope you have enjoyed reading as much as I have enjoyed interviewing.

Till next time, my dear readers…
~ PrincessVictoria