Party Newsletter vol. #1

Day 784, 04:20 Published in Japan Japan by Democratic Party of Japan

Dear DPJ members and eJapan citizens,

I am the vice president of the DPJ, roland_up, and in this article, I have a few announcements to make about the party and current events in eJapan.

First of all, I’d like to announce we have acquired a new org and newspaper for communication and organisation with the party members. Hopefully with these tools, we can improve the efficiency of communication with our members through in game mechanisms, like shouts and news articles.

I have also distributed friends request to every members in the party. If you didn’t receive an invitation. I apologise for the missed invitation, and you can either add us to your friend list through the home page of our organization, or you can PM the org and we can resend the invitation to you.

Second thing I would like to announce is the party president race that will be held in a few days time. I will encourage all members will sign up and/or log into the forum to ask questions or give suggestion even if you are not running. Your input is valuable to us, and I hope I can hear more of your ideas. The discussion will be held at the at the forum here:

Apart of the election, I would like everyone to give us some idea for our party project that will be aimed to help the wider eJapan community. We have a few ideas like providing some sort of training for business owners for example, the detail is not concrete, so we would like to have all the inputs and feedbacks from everyone, people outside the party are also welcome to participate as well.

Ok, moving from the party issues. Last week’s presidential election has been another dramatic affair and again for the wrong reasons. It is alleged that a number of Hungarian was accepted into the country as citizens only to manipulate the election result.

Personally, I feel this is a despicable act and an insult to our democracy and the will of the community, it also tainted what would be a clear mandate the Japanese public gives to president Kita Ikki.

An enquiry from into the allegation has been finalized by the minister for immigration, kuroiunmei. Based on the findings, it appears congressman Koppanyi Ferenc is the main instigator behind the scheme, and a number of congressman included the president were found to be negligent for not carry out the procedure properly. The findings can be view here.

Another news I want to highlight is the Empress day is coming. The Empress day is a cultural festivals in Japan, started as sort of a prank, but in recent time, it is the most recognised culture event in the eJapan calendar. Unfortunately, the nomination period for this month’s empress day will be closed by 12:00 Jan 12 erepublik time, so you may have to rush to get your nomination it. The rule to nominate can be found here.

And even if you don’t have anyone to nominate, you can still vote for a candidate shortly after the nomination closed.

If animation is not your thing, you can also compete in the lottery. The rule to participate can be found here.

The empress day is a good change of pace to the political environment we have for months, it looks like there will be a lot of entries in this time, I hope you will enjoy these events organised for you by the minister for culture, Ember Firespiral. A big thank you for her.

To round this article up, it has been fun organise stuff for DPJ, but we do need your input. I will list several way you can contact me, or the party.

In game: You can send me a PM, my name is roland_up , you can also send a PM to this org as well.
In the national forum: The DPJ section is usually where the discussion are held.
On mIRC: The channel is #dpj at Coldfront, alternatively, you can click this link.

Thanks for reading!

Vice president of DPJ