Party Elections Today! Vote Jefferson Steelflex for RfC Party President

Day 325, 00:47 Published in USA USA by Jefferson Steelflex

It is time for elections!
Please remember to Vote Jefferson Steelflex for Party President.
I have laid out specific plans to improve our party's membership and activity.
Although personally I feel a name change is not my favorite option, I do see the writing on the wall - People in the party feel it would be beneficial. If we are so inclined to change our name, I would like to make it final and negate all of ThisGenMedia's negative attacks against me thinly veiled as "clarifying his positions". I SUPPORT A NAME CHANGE IF IT IS THE WILL OF THE PARTY'S MEMBERSHIP. I will change the name to the one the members have selected. It is what a responsive leader does. They listen to the will of the people. Which I have attempted to do.

As Party President I WILL improve the situation for our party. We will do much more recruiting in game as opposed to IRC and forum recruiting which really does not work.
I will make it 100% apparent who the party officers are and how to contact them. I will offer assistance to new members that we currently do not offer. Read my article on specifics here -

Any questions at all, please PM me. I will answer them if I am available.
So far I have done my best, and I wish the best of luck to my opponents.
Remember Vote Jefferson Steelflex for RfC Party President.