Party Elections Just Around the Corner

Day 1,059, 16:48 Published in South Korea South Korea by Sirius Padfoot Black

Tomorrow is the party president elections, and most of the party races seem small and unsupported. This disappoints me that more people are not aspiring to grow politically, and those who are, don't even have to fight for it, or represent themselves.

However there does seem to be one active race, and that is in the former communist party (as of today the New World Order), in which I myself are one of the two candidates. Dan/naD Wishire and I are both aiming to take this party under us and lead it down a better path.

A lot of the plans we have created, have the same purpose, but by different means. For example the economy is always something in which campaigns revolve around. In order to fix our economic situations, Dan/naD is proposing allocating jobs by percentages. However, this could make us more productive, and more effective, I'm not sure how feasible this is to create, manage and enforce, especially as just a party president. Unfortunately however there is not much we can do. Fixing the economy can't be done by just the government, but it's a peoples responsibility as well, not to mention the admins impeding progress by changing their own rules so frequently. However, I'd like to help put the economy in the peoples hands. One way I'd like to do this, based on our citizens reactions is have government support systems for small businesses to encourage competition.

The second thing that Dan/naD mentioned is the aspect on which I feel most strongly about in general however. He wants to stimulate the population, something that I have mentioned in my last two articles. Dan/naD mentioned using RL South Korea as a resource in which to gain citizens. And believe me I am all for getting a native population involved, and even add some culture to our land, but I don't think this is the first step. I believe we first must try to stimulate the citizens we already have. Unless we are already a country in motion, the new Koreans most likely will have a hard time getting into the game, for lack of things to do and lack of progress. As soon as we have done as much as possible to help who are already here, playing for us, already playing for Korea, I am 100% for getting a mass recruitment drive rolling.

I also will push for the government to be more transparent and public. Right now most people hardly know what is going on in our government, who our congress is, who our administration is, etc. This is something that must change. Which also means we must get a committee willing to translate government articles English to Korean and Korean to English. The language barrier is something obstructing us.

I want this election to be a fair, represented one, which is why I am so vocal about my goals and platform. I am also glad that Dan/naD is also just as vocal as I am. If you have not read his article I suggest doing so here
He and I both have a few other articles in this campaign, which I also suggest becoming familiar with.

I hope that all the voters are well educated for tomorrow and that Korean citizens are able to choose who they would like to win based on their views. Please show your support for the candidate of your choice, and may the public decide. Good Luck to my friend Dan/naD.

If you have any questions feel free to shoot me a message or comment.