Party Elections Coverage

Day 325, 11:14 Published in USA USA by Jordan Miller

So, this time around we have four major parties undergoing leadership change.

Citizen HEM of the AAP is going to unseat Evan Bayh. Evan only has 1 vote. I don't think I've ever seen a sitting incumbent lose that badly. Bayh has been criticized a great amount in the past few weeks. Many have accused him of cronyism, working for his own self-interest, and inactivity.

The RfC is a wide open race. TGM, Jefferson Steelflex, and Desertfalcon are all in a virtual dead heat.

TGM has been criticized for moving Steelflex from the #5 position in the party, to 64 after the elections began. This moved Steelflex's name from the top 3, way down on the ballot, so its hard to find him. DF's name was also moved down, but not as much.
Both candidates have written articles about this, but TGM hasn't made any comments. The RfC race has been a bitter one. The outcome of this election could have an impact on the RfC name. Steelflex was against the name change, but now believes it should the the Federalist Party.
[a url=]Steelflex Article[/a]
[a url=]Desertfalcon Article[/a]

Geekygator has chosen not to run for the Libertarian PP seat. Time is winning the Libertarian election by a wide margin.

Perhaps in a strange mistake, Justinious is not on the UCP ballot. Nonesuch is winning the election with 24 votes. I expected Justin to run again. Maybe I just missed the announcement somewhere.

And then we have the USWP. The incumbent, Peregrine. is winning the election with 70 votes. Although JJJJJJJJ is in a close second with 4 votes. Who will win the USWP presidency is still uncertain...