Party elections

Day 82, 00:00 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by shadowukcs

hello dear UK and non UK citizens,

It seems like the party elections are already over now and the decision has been made by the voters. I know it still early but the current results don't lie.

For the UKRP it seems that their great leader Kaleb and current president of the UK (second mandate) is almost certain of a victory by leading ahead with 19 votes. This proves the great support the gets from his fellow party members.

The UKAP seems to have problems with inactivity of it's members as the person in pole position is SwiftCrack with 2 votes. The current leader Mike rahl still has 0 votes. Is this a clear sign that UKAP is dead, or just a sign that they refuse to vote?

TRP seems to be going all wrong. This due to the fact that the current leader in the polls is Mr. brodie. Don't get me wrong he could be a great leader but on the other hand he is likely to be banned for having multi-acounts. When this happens, will this be the end of UKRP? or will admins give the position to the person with the second most votes? then their leader will be jamesthecool (the founder of TRP) or schlibrarian, both having 2 votes.

Since TPF, EEP and CP are all dead, I won't make any analyses about them.

And now we come to the most important question of these party elections, the question we are all asking ourselves: "who will be the next NEW party president?". It promised to be a neck on neck race between zuku, paul hudson and adamlazaro. unfortunately it seems in this early stage of the elections that the results will be less tie-breaking and exiting then expected. Zuku_zulu is clearly on the lead, leaving both his competitors far behind. Is it to early to state that Zuku_zulu will be the next? This reporter thinks not. In my humble opinion the results for both top parties are already decided early in the morning and it seems we are going to have a serious political battle in March where the Zuku-nator will duel against the Kaleb-killer for the most powerful position in the UK: President of the UK.

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