Partile implicate in RO vs. HU conflict

Day 287, 02:36 Published in Romania Romania by GabrielP

Caverc is fighting in the Romania vs. Hungary in the Hungary side.
I was supposing that Spanish people is fighting for ATLANTIS, not for PEACE !

Please see the details of the today fights in 'Battle for Southern Great Plain' :

02:18:AM - Caverc (100 wellness) vs yo3fuu3 (100 wellness). yo3fuu3 won.

Caverc (100 wellness) attacks yo3fuu3 (100 wellness) and causes 8 damage leaving yo3fuu3 with 92 wellness.
yo3fuu3 (92 wellness) attacks Caverc (100 wellness) and causes 112 damage leaving him very wounded.
yo3fuu3 wins. Caverc is defeated.

Who is Caverc?

Ministro de Sanidad Agosto '08
Congresista por el PMV Agosto '08
Cabo de la 1a division 2a compania 2o peloton 1r escuadron de las FF.AA. o/

Ministro de Asuntos Sociales Julio '08.
Congresista por el PMV Julio '08."

Good to know:

Damage in battle = (Strength * Wellness * Rank * Weapon * Bonus) * x
where 'x' is a aleatory coefficient:
a big 'x' means LUCK
small 'x' means BAD LUCK