Parties Fight in eUNL

Day 745, 13:23 Published in Belgium Belgium by Jofroi

Here comes my second news. There will be no news in there so, for busy people, I’ll advice to pass your way😁.

First, let’s begin with the usual girl every news must contain:

Ok, that’s technically not a girl but… I don’t have her identity’s paper then I can’t check.

So, let’s come back to the theme that nobody want to hear about: the government.

As there are no defined program, some people argue about it. I was part of them, but now I changed my mind. Even if I think that they need to have a defined program and that I am wondering what have they done since BP officially rejected the I&W proposal for government, it’s not the point anymore.

I think that even if the way the government was formed could cause problems (especially if now ministers begin to act in opposite ways, as nothing seems to be clarified yet) we should stop to fight between us. Moreover, the right wing parties are not better cause the hardly criticized the last government and troubled the end of the last mandate, asking their members to come back to eUNL that allowed them to win election, but that really damaged the atmosphere. And moreover it reduced our chance of winning elections in Belgium.

Both parties have good and bad points but they seems to have forgotten something:

We are still at war with The GROUP

YES our government is important
YES governments made mistake (future and former)
YES there is the problem of the merge with the United Kingdom (which we should make a referendum about in, in few days, or we are gonna argue for long …)

But we have to stay united. Even if our opinions are different, we are all working in the same purpose, rising the power of our country and fighting against the evil Romanians who invaded our country.

So, I ask the opposition, while they keep opposite to the government cause it’s their role, and the government to stop their fight for some small details and to come back to more important things. We are all wrong somewhere and it’s useless to remind past as people can change and learn from their mistakes.

We are a nation and still we should stay unite and stop this Right-Left war which only make Romanians laugh about. And they are right, we are Just Clown Around, all of us.

Then, I ask Deviltje to publish soon the government program (even if it’ll be after the end of the motion of confidence, which I really deplore).

And I ask the opposition to stop his war against every action of our government. They won the elections, now let them act as the people voted for them. That’s democracy too. If you think that they are doing thing wrong, help them instead of just doing free critics (and sometimes irrelevant).

Unite we are strong, divided we fail,


PS And I’ll tell u that there is another person who knows the meaning of the title of the newspaper😁