Participating in Politics ...

Day 1,143, 16:40 Published in Belgium Brazil by Dio LFernandoX
Hello LFernandoX am, I managed to citizenship recently and so I want to participate in politics, although not a congressman, president of the country or the party president, even though the policy suggestions wanted to help this country.

I saw that the raw materials of Belgium are few, and as our current president has no goal for now, let me share with him and all my ideas and suggestions, which in this case, to achieve some regions of the petroleum feedstock for example, know that we have a great and strong army, so I thought we attack countries that are disadvantaged, Malaysia for example, has no alliance and is a weak country and who possess the oil region, we have a small advantage against Malaysia we can go up using the army to more U.S. aid, which is our ally. Well folks this is for now, would publish some suggestions with regard to taxes, but for now I'll just leave this idea and see if you approve or not, vote and comment, and criticism, or some other ideas. Thanks for being reading this article.

Sorry, my English is bad, lol.