Part 2: The Revival of a Dream

Day 261, 23:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

As he stood on top of that barrel, looking over the heads of all the people, it suddenly hit him.

How was he going to help them? He had stood up and promised them leadership. Driven the thoughts of freedoms into their heads that he felt they had been lacking, yet he had no idea yet as to how to provide them. Would he contribute to the local mob mentality? No, he decided. He could not force unorganized protect, nor an unpeaceful resolution to this. He would drive home thoughts based on realisms and possibilities only they had dreamt of, for so many fortnights he had lost count.

As he dropped down from his barrel, he thought of his dear old friend Kaleb, a man who he knew could guide him through this. Sadly, he knew Kaleb was on holiday with the fam at the moment. As he walked down the street, he found his next destination to be the local UKRP office here in Liverpool, which at the moment was headed by the Party President Katie and long time friend Paddyohale.

The more they talked, they all realized that at the moment, the UK needed leadership. They needed more than a small group of people doing what they felt was best for the people, and to listen. They talked about their next moves, but he already knew what he was going to do.

He would do what he knew he did best.

As he left the office, they all had visions of a United Kingdom. Not one plagued by thoughts of an occupied Belgium nor of the third largest party in the UK being strictly Belgian. They all needed to stand together. What was their right to choose who could be successful? What was their right to choose who could endure long enough to own, rather than rent. Countless times he was told to simply get back in his bread line and quit begging, and who's right is it to tell him what he should and should not eat?

As he walked down the cobblestone streets, he felt a wave of anger come over him. He had been holding it in for far too long. They would prevail. They would be victorious. They would not accept another term of doing for others without receiving in return.

A message kept flashing through his hea😛

The streets will burn. You will not hold us back any longer. You will not take our admin given rights of personality away from us. We are one through our own individuality, whether you want to believe it or not.

Written by: Dishmcds

**This message was brought to you by Jack Bauer. If Jack Bauer votes UKRP, then so should you.**

If you enjoyed it, Part Three will be along tomorrow. Please subscribe, since we're in different time zones so you won't miss the Commons going up in Flames.