Panzer1990Panzer For Reelection

Day 513, 09:16 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by panzer1990panzer

After seeing being through the deterioration of our country in the past few months. Congressmen leaving, Presidents being impeached. We need more leadership in our country. I think I have shown that.


Born- United states
age - 4 months

I lived in the United States for about 2 months.
Moved to Germany for a month
I have been residing in Malaysia for about 2 months just after our gold was stolen

I am currently in congress for Peninsular Malaysia.
I run a Q2 Food company called United Malaysian Food
I have never missed a proposal or voted yes on a gold scandal.

My main involvement in the policies of the government has been with economic policies. I believe that our government needs to find a way to increase our availability of raw materials so our companies can provide cheaper products at current raw materials are rare or so highly priced our companies must go overseas to afford them.
We must increase the availability of ALL products in Malaysia. We have no houses. We have very few plane tickets. and gifts are to expensive for their bonus.

I am also currently involved in trying to increase the political activity of our younger citizens and in most cases are older ones as well. The main reason our country is so stagnant is because of our high population of two clickers and voting only for their party and no research.

Vote for panzer for a better Emalaysia