Pants needed in the Yukon!

Day 1,647, 16:04 Published in Canada Canada by Pants Magee

Hello fellow Yukon folks, and all other readers. Pants Magee here to remind you to vote for Pants for Congress in the Yukon.

I have tried to take my dogsled and get some endorsements from some popular and influential eCanadians but it didn't go well.

I tried to visit our Sexy War President and talk to him about endorsing me, but I couldn't get passed his security, Something about possibly hiding weapons in my beard.

I then decided to take my dogsled to Nova Scotia to see if Leo Balzac would meet with me. It would have gone well if i didn't keep laughing at his last name.

I then decided to try to visit klop123 in PEI, but my team decided it didn't want to swim there.

I even tried meeting with Rolo (no idea why) but I couldn't get passed his secretary because I didn't have enough weapons concealed in my beard.

So I have decided to endorse myself.

Vote for Pants Magee. If you like honesty, integrity, and silliness look no further than your Pants.

P. Magee