pantherthug89 Prez Campaign: TDM, Military Affairs, and Alliances!!!

Day 860, 19:29 Published in Malaysia Israel by pantherthug89

I promised an in deph article on what I plan to do for the TDM and the military if I am elected the next president of Malaysia. I have a massive and wide range of military experience and know exactly how to run and start up a military. I am also a pretty solid strategist as well.

Now in Malaysia organized beastly soldiers like the ones above basically cease to exist and it is our hurting our capability to respond and even fight in battles. My plan is not the easiest way, but if we want a strong military and an organized one I believe my way is most efficient.

These are some of main points i would like to implement into the TDM if I am elected

1. Hire a military leader who doesnt run out of gas within a week and works on the military much more often and in larger quantities of time than previous leaders have.

2. have most of the work moved into Private Messages and spreadsheets other than the forums and private lists of everyone who is in the program. This creates a little bit more work but makes it easier for the common soldier to get what they need to get. It also makes it much easier to track Roll Calls and who responds to each one making it so much easier for officers.

3. WRITE MORE ARTICLES how can anyone even join the TDM when they can never even find the application to sign up. Also a little spreading of good news and increase morale is a strong benefit to articles written by the military. Overall you cant expect people to join a military group if our ecitizens dont even know about it.

4. I would possibly also like to try and get together a military/war council that is always working constantly contacting contacting other countries and strategizing to see what we can do in a military crisis or how we can respond in a tactical manner to any military affiliated situation. This group could even be used to give proffesional guidance and tips to the president on military matters.

5. With the new war module coming up we will need to try and organize and balance the amount of classes we have. This balance could make a difference between us having the uper hand in battle or not standing a chance against the likes of Indonesia.

I have many other plans in store for the military but making this article actually bareable to read.

The biggest threat to our nation short term is the looming threat of Indonesia head poking just over and eyes leering at our last and final region stuffed with oily treats. I am fully committed to taking back Sarawak even if it means contacting nearby friendly nations for aid.

Believe it or not I also believe Indonesia may also be intent on even destroying our last and final region of Peninsular Malaysia.... A suicide mission asking for troube, not entirely. Scrolling over the list of our Mutual Protection Pacts we do in fact have money but not really any ones of high strength except for maybe Greece who has more EDEN issues to commit their forces too. Indonesia has had a strong tanking force for quite a long time and many of our MPPs and ourselves do not have as deep pockets or strong players to commit tankers not to mention we would have to find them abroad. Wth this fact clear any battle could potentially be decided on if Indonesia is willing to spend the sum to win the battle. I know this may not happen nor may it be exactly as easy but I am the type who likes to look at all angles of a problem and preparing for the worst.

The PTO threat from the eSerbians is another strong threat to the security of our nation but I will leave that for a completely different article.

The last think I would like to adress is alliances. Honestly we can't ask for help from other alliances most likely Broillance/SHIELD or EDEN. A decision to possibly join these alliances or stay put in Sol needs to be clearily needs to be made. We need military aid from other nations in our circumstance with Indonesia and even our PTO threat from Serbia. Our enemies have shown themselves and are willing to wipe us out while we stay neutral. I dont see ourselves as neutral but as a country not willing to make even some questionable decisions for the sake of our freedom. I don't want to join EDEN or Broillance or SHIELD if Malaysia does not want to and I will be putting up numerous polls if I am elected on the matter, but it may be the only way to efficientely and effectively protect our nation. If Malaysia does want to join one of the major alliances I would also like to maintain membership and strong relations with Sol. Either way if I win the election it is up to Malaysia and Malaysia only to decide weither we join a super alliance or not but that is simply what I believe can be done to insure our country is surely safe.


pantherthug89 for prez!!!