Panic! On the Battlefield

Day 1,646, 18:35 Published in United Kingdom Switzerland by cooldude97

Dear eUK,

I'm writing this because I almost got my first BH Medal, at a measly 2800 strength!

This is somewhat impressive (In my own ever so "Self-Depreciating" eyes), but it is less to do with luck and bazookas and more to do with good comrades.

I first got the BH position at 18 minutes. What followed was 90 minutes of pure panic. I sent messages to 4 people, worrying they would take it for themselves. To prove how paranoid I was, only one was interested in the medal!

I think this proves that there are good people in the world, who are even willing to give up their BH medal to a grumpy underpowered oldfag. The nicest part about this gesture was that he too had a lower than average strength, only 5135, which is hard to get a BH Medal with.

Thank you, Sloose.

The story ends when I was overtaken, and Sloose used some of the remainder of his Bazookas and Energy Bars to overtake the guy who overtook me. He was then overtaken, and it became a damage race, with the ending being in Sloose's favor. He won the medal.

Medal well earned, Sloose.

Hopefully people will learn from the example, and act as brothers to eachother; especially considering the state of the eWorld as it is. When everything is worthless, and the strong terrorise the weak, it is fraternity which allows the human race to survive.

Yours Sincerely,

Grumpy Underpowered Oldfag