Pander Sols for Party President of GLD

Day 633, 05:47 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by psandrad

Dear friends,

A lot has happened at the GLD in the last couple of weeks. When I first won the PP elections, I was full of confidence and enthusiasm; we would be even bigger than the first time! Unfortunately, the congress elections were a big dissapointment and the activity on our forum was dwindling. It felt as if I was busy with something that wouldn't even become a succes anyway.

However, in the last one and a half, two weeks, the GLD headquarters are buzzing with activity again. Some new and promising members have decided to play a role in the party, and some old-timers have begun working with fresh energy and new ideas.

The GLD is alive and kicking, and we plan on doing so for a long time!

From within the party, people have encouraged me to run for PP once again and ofcourse I am happy and honoured to do so. We have a great team together, with both experienced and newer players and everybody seems to complement each other in the best possible way. I must say, it is truly satisfying working for the GLD.

In the coming period, we will have to concentrate on attracting new members and encourage them to play an active role in eUNL politics. Furthermore, I want us to keep our unique image as a political party and work on improving it even more. Growth is good, but not at all costs; people should choose for us because of our ideas and visions, not because of something else.

So why should you choose for me as your PP? I am an active player, both on the forum and IRC (that's because my reallife job is way too easy!), I have government experience (congress, and currently in my 2nd term as Minister of Finance) and I am 100% dedicated to the party.

I hope it'll be enough for you guys to elect me as your PP again. If any of you has any questions, feel free to send me a message or make a post on our forum: (make sure to register first through the user control panel)

Yours truly,

Pander Sols