Paldies par jūsu palīdzību

Day 1,173, 16:05 Published in Croatia North Korea by Silver_Fishy

Možda do sada niste ni primjetili, ali eLatvija nam pomaže od prvoga dana od kada su potpisali MPP s nama. Nadam se da ćemo im to vratiti istom mjerom kada i oni budu trebali pomoć(sada). Možda jesu Mali, ali su požrtvovni i veoma zahvalni i zato vas molim kada vidite da eLatvija treba pomoć, da se sjetite da su i oni nama pomagali. Ovaj članak pišem da im se zahvalim na pomoći i jakom udaru iako su znali da im slijedi napad od strane eEstonije i da su već izgubili jednu originalnu regiju. Vratimo im istom mjerom, obranimo svoju i njihovu državu. Barem smo mi poznati po tome.

Maybe you haven’t even noticed, but eLatvija helps us since the first days of when they signed MPP with us. I hope that we will return them to reciprocate when they are supposed to help (now). They may be small, but devoted and very grateful to so please when you see eLatvijaneed help to remember that they helped us. This article I’m writing to thank them for their help and strong impact even though they knew that they followed an attack by eEstonia, and have already lost one original region. Let them reciprocate defend our and their country. At least we're known for that.