Pakistan Falling Behind

Day 97, 12:23 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by William Walker

Salaam aleikum Pakistan! Glory to Pakistan!
You are now manually reading the /v/oice! We have some alarming news to bring to you, fellow Pakistanis. Pakistan is falling behind. This article proves it most shockingly:

[a url=]Here is the article[/a]
Pakistan is 8th in Population with 621 Pakis
Our Population has changed by a pitiful 0.3%
Our unemployment rate is 33.82%, still too high! And it only changed by 0.6%
Our workforce consists of 411

Pakistan, this is not good for our glorious nation. We need to call our brethren, before it is too late. Sweden has long surpassed us, this was clear from the start, but we were close behind. But now, Norway, Indonesia (Friends, don't worry