Paine Gratis! [RO/EN]

Day 1,302, 01:30 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova by Teo C
Bun gasit

Dau paine Q1 (in limita stocului disponibil)

Conditii :

-Dati vote la articol.

-Dati subscribe la ziar.

-Puneti un comment cu nr votului si al subscribe-ului.

-Dati un shout cu articolul.

-Sa aveti level maxim 25.

Daca faceti tot ce scrie aici primiti 70 wellness(35 paini Q1)


I give free Q1 food(in the stock limit)


-Vote the article

-Subscribe the newspaper

-Leave a comment with the number of vote and of the sub

-Shout this article

-Have level 25 maximum

If you do all of this i will give you 35 Q1 food.

Ii multumesc pentru sponsorizare lui diuras care a donat 188 paini Q2

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