
Day 1,931, 05:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by p00kachu

Hello there, how're we all?

I'm alright, just enjoying a cigarette and a cuppa and I thought I'd just make a few things clear. It has come to my attention that people are doubting my legitimacy as a player, well to them I say "Not Today, Nancy-boy!" and I shall explain myself.

>My name is Ross, I come from Oxford and I am 17 nearly 18.
>I study Computing Sciences at College and hope to do Applied Computing Sciences in University then going off into Counter-Intelligence for the Military
>I joined eRepublik this year in January as I was scrolling through some old forums of a previous role-play game and found someone had posted it (Simon Smarzeek, ex-Polish President, also a MafiaRPGer on Habbo.co.uk)
>As Don Dapper likes to claim, I begged for congress apparently. For all those who are politically crippled, I was canvassing. Making myself known and making my aims and goals known (To be an ePolitician)
>I am *not* a TUP spy because I hate most Left-Wing ideology. Ask those who know me.
>This is my only account and will be, my only account.
>My two-week absence can be explained here and I shall: My Internet died (Thanks Virgin Media, you ring-pieces) and then I left home to move 7 Miles down the road with my friend, Steve due to my abusive step-father. I have only just managed to build and fit a new PC in this house last week (Computing Student, not lying for anyone who wishes to call shenanigans)

>I left NewEra because I felt disenfranchised by the party. While I had fun for the first part, the party began to slip. After the loss of Hugh & Klurr, I was somewhat alone. True I let Goku down but not on my own doing. Dapper, once a good ally had proven himself to be incredibly deluded in some cases. After joining the UKRP, I was given something NewEra never gave me, a voice. Madacaion (if I spelt that wrong, appy polly lodges) had given me some information on the UKRP before when I spoke to him, expressing my concerns for the ever declining morale of NewEra. While I do not know the reasons of Hugh & Klurr's flight, I'm sure it wasn't for nothing. I am happier in UKRP and I'm having more fun in the party than I ever did in NewEra. I feel like I'm part of a family and even the high-ranking members talk to me as an equal. It is also noted that after my article yesterday, NewEra have shown their true colours. Self-centered, abusive and narcissistic on all accounts. No regrets leaving.

Well there you go, the truth. Not that I lied to begin with. Do with it, what you will!

Ross a.k.a 'p00kachu'