Overdue for an article

Day 5,476, 11:14 Published in Canada Canada by Natster

I was hoping to do something earlier this week, but life had other plans.
Dem's de breaks.

So, here I am, divulging the latest and greatest
Maybe more late than great
Only one way to lay this rest
Have a write spam to get out the best
Circle around, make a nest
I only say this in complete jest.

All things told, this is getting old.

So what am I doing now a days?
I am still running the q5 airplane program.


Work for me get 4 q5 airplanes per work
One airplane gives you 5 uses and doubles your damage without airplanes.
This will help in commandeering all that sweet cc's the government is giving away in the air program.

Another benefit of working in a commune is that it lowers the average wage in Canada . Can be found at bottom of the economy page which you can get to by clicking the link provided.

When you WAM, a percentage of the average wage is paid.
Currently, the tax is 1%. So, the best way to get this down is to bring down the average wage of canada. We have 263 citizens, so for every 3 citizens working a commune, the WAM cost will go down which will boost the profitability of selling your self made stuff on the market.

Full disclosure : I only WAM q7 tanks and buy my food off of the market. I may start producing my own food now that FRM is so cheap now, but, I like to give back.

Here's a sneak peak behind my curtain. They ask for so many details, but I don't have time to do spreadsheets etc. Right now, as I write here, I haven't done this all in one sitting, been breaking this up throughout the day.

So, here's what I do with my commune workers.
1) I commit to pay them daily in q5's. I manage this by paying them the next day after they worked. This makes it easier to calculate and track who gets paid and how much.
2) I use just enough works to cover the q5's, then depending on the market, I will allocate the remainder into my q5 home production or q5 aircraft production.
3) I currently buy all my material from the market.

Here's my justification:

Current wages are roughly $4070 at this time of writing.
For RM's, a worker generates the following
HRM (House Raw Material) : 4.82 (net effective cost is $844)
ARM (Aircraft Raw Material) : 4.57 (net effective cost is $890.59)

So, as long as the market stays below these numbers, I can buy the HRM and/or ARM on the market CHEAPER then I could manufacture them.

ARM current market is 790 per ARM.
This puts my cost to develop q5 planes at 790 each

HRM current market is 829 per HRM
This puts my cost to develop houses at 99383.04

It takes 29.24 works for the HRM
each player in my commune works at least twice (utilizing the housing to generate ot tickets and improving their profitability as well),

I generate 6 paid works every day.
6*4 = 24
so, 3 q5 factory works let me pay my employees with 3 q5 planes left over
I often sell those on market (conservatively : $1100 each)
Then, I use the remaining work to generate q5 homes

In total, each day, I buy:
28 ARM @ 790: $22120
13 HRM (I use 12.31, so every 19 days i don't need to buy) @ 829: $1677

Averaged out, at 51 days,
1,105,960.5 in arm costs
629.16 in HRM cost

27.45 * 51 = 1399.95 q5 Airplanes generated
10.26% home generation per day @ 51 = 523.26% (5 homes with 23.26 carried over to next home)

175 q5 planes sold to market (@$1100 ) = $192500
5 q5 homes sold to market (market depressed at time of writing $195,900)=979500

Revenue generated 1,172,000
Costs incurred 1,106,589.66

Total profit: 65,413 every 2 months