Out of the Unknown

Day 1,504, 04:21 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by Veruvia

Today, we have the opportunity to interview the United Kingdom Progression Party’s country president candidate for the upcoming elections, Angela Williams. A relative unknown in British politics, she was a member of The Unity Party before moving to her current party after two terms in Congress.

1. Let’s get straight to business. You’ve been accused of multi-accounting (where a person owns more than one account in order to gain more votes) by The Unity Party and your unprecedented votes in Scotland suggest much the same. How would you respond to such accusations?

At the time of course I was actually in TUP and completely unaware of the various rules, regulations, committees and hoops you had to go through to actually be a TUP candidate [1].

I ran a campaign in-game, messaged everyone in my region (I now realise that messaging other parties is considered naughty and apologise for that) [2], talked to as many as I could and the combination of being in the top Party plus actively campaigning for the position got me a huge number of votes [3].

I learnt from this that there were a great many players out there in the eUK that were not being accounted or cared for by the leaders of our nation and after talking to many of them after the election - I decided that I needed to find a party that didn't have such a narrow focus and actually tried to reach out as I did.

2. In addition to these accusations, you are a member of a party that was host to one of the most prolific multi-account owners. This doesn’t legitimise the aims of the party. How do you expect the party to be taken seriously when under the suspicions of the majority?

The Sir Isaac situation was dealt with internally by the party. It may have upset the oldboard crowd that the UKPP didn't join them in prompt and vocal condemnation [4], but the UKPP tends to be more inclusive as a party and the in this case as in many others it prefers to maintain vigilance until confirmation of guilt. Soon as he committed an actual offence he was blacklisted and eventually due to UKPP reporting he was banned from the game

3. Your party, the United Kingdom Progression Party, had a meteoric rise through the political rankings. Some of that rise could be through multi-accounts. Your party president, Sir Nick Griffin, attributes this rise to “dissatisfaction with the major parties”. Would you agree with the statement?

I think multi-accounts are used in the eUK as they are (sadly) used everywhere in the game and every party in every nation will get their share of them.

Luckily we have a small team that stays 'on-top' of the situation within the UKPP and also the parties beneath it!

The causes for the appearance of the UKPP on the tails of ESO are many. Nick is certainly correct in that one of them is dissatisfaction with what the main parties are offering them.

4. Onto your campaign as a prospective country president. Many people will be asking one simple question. Who are you? Your only “claim to fame” is your success in Congress elections which was marred by rogue tax proposals. Summarise what you think you can bring to this election.

I can bring fresh ideas new perspectives, Unlike most of the CP candidates I think I am more open to new ideas and I have nothing to lose unlike so many politicians I am not bothered about reputation or what people think the only thing I care about is the state of Britain and its people and what We must do to help.

5. How do you expect people to vote for you when you have such a distinct lack of experience? The other candidates are both former Ministers of Defence, one is a several-time country president of the United Kingdom. Surely, you can’t see this a genuine campaign. Is it a message to the nation to change?

We do find it amusing that the other candidates are trumpeting their previous experience within the eUK when the result of all the past work has led us to being wiped!

Our view on the election is you can either vote for the same old crowd, doing things the same old way and yielding the same results or you can make a break with the past and vote for a candidate that has no debts to the past, nobody to pay off and will not just re-use, re-mould and re-dress the existing products and call it progress.

6. Let’s imagine that you do win the country president elections. What would be your three main aims? What would be your priorities and how would you go about introducing and ensuring those priorities are met?

The overriding issue in the eUK at the moment is the state of the eUK on the world map.

We're lucky enough to have a good strategic brain within the party and if the UKPP can promise one thing it is solid planning (see the rise of the UKPP) and communication (my election in Scotland, rise of the UKPP and because it is the #1 priority of the party).

The other parties have attempted in patches to produce what we plan but they have failed to stick to it or organise in the most basic fashion and that is something that I am 100% sure we can do.

7. The other two country president election candidates have released their manifestos announcing their intention to run. You released yours shortly afterwards. There’s a distinct lack of “content”. What exactly is your platform for running?

The UKPP had a late start to the elections as we were hoping that a national candidate we could all fully get behind might step forward but regrettably we don't get to rally behind an Emergy, Daeres or even JamesW or Woldy we get the MoD whose performance over the last month has been lacking and Dish who despite a few personal qualities is running a UKRP campaign that is antithetical to most of what the UKPP stands for.

My campaign is now in progress and will unfold in a standard fashion - Introduction, policies, clarifications and responses and a final exhortation.

8. One final question. Did you have a forum poll where party members could select their preferred candidate or did you simply install yourself as the country president candidate?

The UKPP has held off on polling as it waited for the 'unity' candidate to appear.

After talks with other parties we realise that this isn't going to happen and also that the TUP and UKRP candidates were fixed and not changing.

The UKPP membership is now being polled on which runner they wish to support. [5]

[1] As a former member of The Unity Party I know that there is little or no difference between the process employed by this party and any of the other major parties running congressional elections.

[2] The nature of campaigning means that people do not have the time to check who they are messaging. Most people will send messages to between twenty and three hundred people in a single round.

[3] The election in reference was the September ‘11 congressional elections in which Angela Williams received the highest number of total votes in all regions. The suspicion of multi-accounting comes from the knowledge that London is the most populated region and has set the highest no. of votes consistently.

[4] Prompt and vocal condemnation of this issue comes from knowledge that Sir Isaac Newton PRS was, in fact, Pizza the Hut (or Ajay Bruno) who was a notorious and known multi-accounter. The United Kingdom Progression Party refused to accept this knowledge.

[5] Logs have been provided suggesting that no poll was ever conducted. The United Kingdom Progression Party selected its candidate even with the knowledge of other party’s candidates, refusing to accept democratic process.