Our Vision.

Day 953, 05:10 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by TI Party

Dear citizens of the United Netherlands,

We have seen a month of a 'zombiegoverment', in other words nothing has changed, no in contrary it has become worse! It began good with promises from Myers11, finally a country president from a somewhat smaller party (yeah, we support every move from smaller parties!) but it began with goverment articles in personal newspapers, and went to the point that we don't hear a word from this goverment.

Not only the goverment, but also the congress looks like it could be a map from 'Resident Evil', only a few are active and most only see it as nice opporunity to get a medal and a gold map. The Internationalist are a party who without doubt could deliver numerous active congress members, but because we are not in the top 5 of the biggest parties (I congratulate I&W, LSD, GLD, IP and WP for getting and staying there!)

That's why I want to ask YOU to help us get in the top 5, so we can finally sweep those zombies back in their graveyard and return the activity!

Join us: Here!
our forum: Here!

Thank you,
Tonie112, Party President of The Internationalists.