Our Unachievable Endeavor

Day 1,631, 01:51 Published in USA USA by Daks
Why should anybody be interested in some old man who was a failure?
- Ernest Hemingway

Success and greatness go hand in hand, and I have never held hands with success. Many of the people who will never read this haven't either. I have lived as part of eRep (at varying degrees) since Day 287 of the New World and for well over 1,000 days I have seen it all. The End of the '07 Beta, the Rise and fall of V1. The 1st North American Invasion, the biggest battles against and for the wall, V1 trivia. The conquest of the Three pillars of Asia, the rise of the Rubots, the damage inflicted by V2 and the implementation of V1.5. Lana's ominous appearance and her friends, Lana's Gold hungry Military leader friends. That and sooooooo much more lead to this, these times we are in, these all but completely pointless times. The World we live in is dominated by Gold, Tanks who Lust for more gold, Leaders who if not Tanks already will soon be, Old Elites who have age and experience on top of fortune. All whom have unsurpassable; stats on their profile page, their knowledge, resources and connections.

But this isn't new and it isn't news, we have all realized this by now, yet we keep coming back, for whatever reason; Friends, Glory, Time-killing, or whatever. But friends don't have to be here, time-killing can be better spent, and Glory is only for a select few.

Of all the people who have come and gone, which are in the 10's of thousands, less than a thousand have a trophy room worthy of envy, less that that have made their living in the public consciousness (presidents, congressmen, media moguls, economic emperors, some tanks even), and even less than that have done it all.

For every one of these great successes there are thousands have left a barely visible footnote in history. For every success is outweighed by the masses of failures. This article is dedicated to them. All who came in hopes of Glory, those who stayed for the friends that were made, and the encourage-able lot the continue on just to kill time. We continue on will virtually no success in the battle field amongst nations, or in the field of battle amongst domestic politicians, or the cut throat arena of the economic marketplace, not even in the public media.

We all can't be great people but our greatness is shown in our great people.

At best we can hope to be an integral part in the machine, or that little bit the pushes us to greater our overall success. Because we have been here from dawn throughout the day, stayed till dusk, worked in the midst of night. We lived in obscurity, unbeknownst to the population at large, ignored by those who did not know us or could never care. Our unique paths lead us through the darkness when light was all but abandoned, our goal almost the same as those who achieved them, our noble sentiment seeped through as we feel further back, but we kept ourselves in adversity dark of the forest. For we are a tree that cannot be seen in the forest.

This is also for all the Agent Coulson's who have fallen by the way side and left this New World for a hopefully better place.

If there exists no possibility of failure, then victory is meaningless.
- Robert H. Schuller