Our strong nation.

Day 1,784, 05:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Seranok
Talon Karrde was elected our PM 3 days ago (5th Oct) and won by a landslide. I hate to say that, but he really did win by quite a lot. It was a boring election in my opinion as there was no doubt about who would win, but there were always ideas about some sort of major turn around on the last day of the other candidates campaigns.

Is Talon Karrde fit to lead?
I bloody well hope so. If not, we're doomed. Actually, I believe he can lead us. He won the election so people trust him. He's previously been the PM 2 times and he's helped us so he seems fit to lead us all. He won the peoples majority and that's damn hard in the eUK. I also find him a very good PM as in an interview he sated that he would 'answer every single message'. Damnit Talon, we tried to help you...

Are the people happy?
I don't know. Answer that in the comments.

Are we getting enough trade from foreign nations?
Let's hope so. Sure, maybe it wouldn't be great to have trade routes with enemy nations but sometimes we have to compromise. We have to promote economic growth and our reputation by getting resources from foreign nations. We can't look at the market one day and say 'Well, it looks like everybody has stopped selling resources. Hmmm, I'm fairly sure we have none anyway.' (apologies, that was off the top of my head.)

In conlusion...
In conclusion I think Talon will keep us alive and beating as a nation for yet another term! Congratulations to Talon and good luck!

Thank you for reading my shouting - congratulations if you read the lot without throwing up.

Stay strong eUK!