Our New Citizens?

Day 481, 07:36 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Jan Khysl

Our New Citizens

The Reality Czech
Jan Khysl (15 Mar. 2009)

You may, or may have not, noticed a recent influx in the citizens of the Czech Republic: especially in Ceska Socialisticka Strana. What was once one of the smallest parties in our country has overnight become one of the largest.

Upon closer investigation one will find many names not familiar in our country. Upon even closer investigation, one will find that they all work for the same company, have similarities in name, and have no (or almost no) friends besides the obligatory "admin."

All of these citizens work for eBOLak (http://www.erepublik.com/en/company-employees/ebolak-102241/1) which is apparently owned by an American organization.

The list of names is as follows:

Humma Kabula
lokos csaba
Kyra Nelis
Lt. Worf
LS Frodo
Sz Gandalf
Gul Dukat

I don't want to jump to conclusions but considering there is no reason anyone would want to work for this housing company (high quality plus low wages), this does look like foul play perhaps. Stay vigilant.