Our Most Important Election

Day 611, 12:40 Published in Philippines Philippines by Reclusive Monkey

Good day my fellow Filipinos,

It is just a couple of days now until the latest Congressional elections in the ePhilippines. The various parties have kicked into gear and the congressional machine is working overtime. It was announced recently that the often requested and much desired citizenship module will be launching "in the next two weeks". This will make political take overs (PTOs) more difficult, although not impossible. Yet despite this ray of hope for the often desired ePhilippines there is a long way to go before the dawn.

Yet again, mysterious strangers are appearing on our shores. You may find it surprising for someone who is not a native Filipino speaking this way; surely we should welcome new players to our little haven here in the ePacific ocean. Indeed, I do not believe the ePhilippines can prosper without inviting people to its shores.

Yet would a new citizen to these shores not take time to make acquaintances? Would they look for a forum, read newspaper articles, join the military maybe even seek an audience with the President? Yes, I believe a friendly visitor would do all these things.

Have our latest visitors done any of these things? I don't believe they have. As soon as they arrived they created their own political party, nominated various people for congress and made their own Party President a candidate for President almost a dozen days before the Presidential elections. So what could one possibly discern from such actions? Well I believe there is only one possible conclusion here; their motives are purely political.

There is only one way to fight a political threat; we cannot rely on our strong and organised army. We cannot rely on our efficient and hard working government. We can only rely on ourselves and the ballot box. By voting, you are securing the future of the ePhilippines to decide on its own future. So please, even if you do not vote for me on the 25th, vote for someone and make sure we let the world know the ePhilippines is not a playground to be taken over lightly; it is an eNation of strong and active citizens who care about their future.

25th JULY 2009: VOTE PFF-FPM-KMP-CPP Coalition