Our Financial State

Day 742, 16:36 Published in Japan USA by Dokomo

If you took a look at where the National Bank of Japan and our treasury stood at the minute I took office, most people would have wept. But today, I am proud to announce that not only have we regained everything we lost, not only has the government functioned in a responsible manner, not only have we made small strides, this month the National Bank of Japan will end with a net gain of ~600-700 gold!

As we all know, several minutes before the beginning of the new term the NBJ had 1270 gold and 24K in JPY removed. Over the next few weeks we made money from concerned citizens loaning gold and buying jpy off the money market. With this we were able to pay for basic government services such as the JIS, JIA, MPP's, and War Games. Allow me to list a basic rundown of how we have spent the funds in the bank over the past month. Full financial data is found at http://nipponblog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=1276 courtesy of the Minister of Finance.

11/6/2009 Starting Balance 39.00g 2.74jpy
11/8/2009 Wargames (SOL) -9.00g
11/10/2009 JIA Budget -6,000.00jpy
11/10/2009 JIN Budget -4,000.00jpy
11/15/2009 Lottery 42.00jpy
11/18/2009 Gold to Treasury for MPP -20.00g
11/19/2009 JEC Budget -390.00jpy
11/21/2009 Lottery 28.00jpy
11/21/2009 Wargames -7.80g
11/22/2009 Gold to Treasury for MPP -100.00g

The Bank began at 1277g and 22450jpy. It now stands at 1879g and 31365jpy. The treasury began at .77g and 10250jpy and now stands at 7.33g and 9650jpy. After all government expenses we have a surplus of 600g and 10,000 jpy.

For the amazing results that have been shown I want to thank Minister of Finance Vorph. His attention to the MM has kept our NBJ offer at the top consistently and allowed us to make money at a rate far surpassing any previous administration. If you look at the results of our government print runs you can see that the 200g we invested in jpy has returned back over 2x already and the jpy has not run out yet! In essence, Japan has created 120,000 jpy over this month by MM sales. I hope this informs some Congressmen who believe that a 1200jpy expenditure is the end of the world. In reality it is 1% of our budget surplus.

Make no mistake, we need to be frugal about our new found wealth. But we also need to keep alive the conditions that allow it to happen. The Japanese currency is strong and that is a good thing because it funds our MM operations. But that same strength compresses wages and makes life difficult for those starting out with low skill. I support Minister Metic's goal of placing a wage floor on low skill jobs. It is easily affordable, boosts consumption of goods while negating production, and ensures that those players will be able to transition into the private sector with valuable skills later. Please show your support and thoughts as well at http://www.nipponblog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1310.