Our Beautiful Korea

Day 1,042, 15:36 Published in South Korea South Korea by Sirius Padfoot Black

In light of recent events, I would like us all to take a look at the glorious land we call home. The blessed land in which every region, the sun king illuminates. His rays casting out the darkness brought by the moon children from the east. Protecting us from their shroud of night and the plague of their moon sickness. The sun king granting us the most holy of lands to which we call home, blessing each of to be his children whom he loves with the intensity of a thousand burning suns.

Recently the Lesser East Koreans (they call themselves Japanese) launched an attack on Korea, but we defeated these moon children, expelling the attackers off our land. I'd like to say thank you to every child of the sun that fought that day, defending our sacred land from the moon children. It is because of people like you that allows for us to maintain our beautiful Korea. I also want to thank all of our allies, from Germany and Russia and such, I'm certain the Sun king strognly illuminates in you.

But now I am asking for another call to arms, but not of the gun. I am asking every Korean citizen to pick up their pen and paper.

As blessed as each and everyone of us is, I feel nearly everyone of us take for granted what we have, and even more so, what we could have. Sure we carry on living, but why shouldn't we thrive and enjoy life?

Though Korea is the most beautiful place on earth, it's people seem to feel the need to keep to themselves and close up. Our society has vast room for improvement should we just talk. We are brothers and sister here in Korea, so we must help each other. The most important thing for a community to do is express itself and represent it's people. But first the people must represent themselves.

Everyone is living their own encapsulated life, fulfilling their own agenda and playing as an individual. If everyone simply wrote what was their goals, opinions, and ideas, we could better understand each other, and start playing as a community. People don't always have to agree on everything, and so we must express all of our concerns and ideas so we can work together for the best plan to build Korea into the stronger country it deserves to be. Each idea can come together into a whole, and we can work together to accomplish it.

Let's stimulate our society by any means necessary. Write an article, I don't care what about. Role-play, discuss politics, praise the Sun King, Introduce yourself, just let us know your alive and not just a shell of a person. Write whatever fuels the burning spirit inside of you

And articles are only the beginning. There are so many other ways to become an active, contribution to society. Reply to articles, get on the IRC, get on the Forum, PM a random player for all I care, so long as your talking to someone. Talk to me, talk to government officials, talk to new players, talk to veterans, we just need to start interacting with each other. The way this society is going, I doubt most of us even know if we have a national forum. I've been to the IRC, it's as dead as can be. But why does it have to be? Let's change it together. Let's change it as Korea. We can turn this country is the right direction, and let the sun never set In South Korea.

Do you agree with me? Tell me. Think I'm crazy? Say it. Say something. The only way Korea can become a better place is if you put your hand in and join Team Korea.