our battle-hero - a thief?

Day 1,548, 04:56 Published in Russia Germany by eisenmutter2

yesterday i read this very good article about "stealing" Battle-Hero-medals by Asklepije (please read, vote + subscribe to his articles and donate 5gold to him, if you like) and had some good discussion in the comments.

is there something like "stealing" a BH?
after that i gone to bed, lying there touching myself* i tought about the issue and asked myself if there is something like stealing a medal.

core of the problem are some players who are able to reach a damage of 700-800.000 just with full health + food (+ weapons) thats why i will call them foodfighter. these foodfighter demand respect, meaning that after sb dealed like 700-800.000 damage at the beginning of the battle he has "the right" to get the BH.

typical "foodfighter": high armor, if needed he will eat everybody who gets in his way

everyone trying to get higher damage is considered a "stealer". the worst of them are trying to steal in the last minutes of the battle.

typical "BH-stealer": low armor, low damage

i came up with a calculation that -i hope- will clarify the problem.

first some assumptions to make it easier to calculate:
- every country has some players being able to fight just with food and weapons to reach a damage of 700-800.000
- these players will just fight in wars of their own country (because in the wars of allies the foodfighter of these countries will fight)
- assuming that the foodfighters are not some crazy nolife-24/7-internet-dwellers i think its no problem for them to "foodfight" 3times a day
- assuming there are 10fights of the home country (eq 80BHs)

in one fight of the home country there will be 8 possible BH. so if there is just 1foodfighter he will be able to secure 3 of them. how many fights are in one country per day? i dont know. if we assume there are 10fights with 8battles each that means there are 80BHs to get. so how many foodfighter does a country need to block all these 80BHs?

80BHs / 3BHs per foodfighter per day = 26,6

that implies: 27foodfighter in one country -fighting 3times a day- would be able to block all the BHs of the 10fights available.

now there will come some dudes calling this stupid because there are maybe some more fights per country or less foodfighters. but beside the foodfighters there are other players too. these are weaker and try to get BHs by using bazookas and energybars. they wont even have a chance to get a BH by "showing respect" for battle-hero-blocker with
players blocking BHs by demanding respect for lousy damage are cheap and whining in PMs after someone "stole" their medal is pathetic. the only thing they have to expect is:

BH-blockers with
medals are awarded for exceptional actions.

exceptional actions like sitting in the same chair 24/7 for at least 2month just interrupted for using the toilet or searching for food

*this was done in a very appropriate way: massaging my temples in attempt to fall asleep quickly. (it didnt worked).